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Total 1 jobs offered by "Valsøya"

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At Valsøytunet, we offer accommodation, camping and good dining experiences to our guests throughout the summer. We are a small holiday destination for families, and we have an associated climbing park within walking distance of us. Valsøytunet started in 1996 as a campsite and has since moved many houses to Valsøya which have been renovated and put into use as accommodation units and a restaurant. We have simply started with the reuse of houses. Since 1996, Valsøytunet has grown to become hotel-like business with 14 unique accommodation units, almost 50 drop-in campsites and a restaurant with ...

Работно място:
Norway, Valsøyfjord
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане (Hourly):
250 - 250 NOK (Gross pay)