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Dalarna is one of 21 regions in Sweden, located in the central part of the country with around 300.000 citizens. In Dalarna you can find beautiful nature, peaceful environments and friendly locals. Dalarna is a popular tourist destination both in the winter and in the summer. There are numerous possibilities to pursue interests such as cycling, hiking, fishing, skiing and swimming. Dalarna offers good communications to both Arlanda Airport as well as to Stockholm. Region Dalarna is the biggest employer in the county with 8500 employees. Mora hospital is one of two emergency hospitals in the ...

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На разположение за следното събитие:

In Dalarna you can find beautiful nature, peaceful environments and friendly locals. Dalarna is a popular tourist destination both in the winter and in the summer. In the winter there are many possibilities to activate yourself outdoors through activities such as cross-country skiing, down hill-skiing and skating. In the summer Dalarna offers a wide range of opportunities to enjoy the beautiful nature in the county. There are numerous possibilities to pursue interests such as cycling, hiking, fishing and swimming. Dalarna is also rich in culture in different ways adn we are close by several ...

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На разположение за следното събитие:

In Dalarna you can find beautiful nature, peaceful environments and friendly locals. Dalarna is a popular tourist destination both in the winter and in the summer. In the winter there are many possibilities to activate yourself outdoors through activities such as cross-country skiing, down hill-skiing and skating. In the summer Dalarna offers a wide range of opportunities to enjoy the beautiful environment in the county. There are numerous possibilities to pursue interests such as cycling, hiking, fishing and swimming. Dalarna offers good communications to both Arlanda Airport as well as to ...

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На разположение за следното събитие:

Do you want to work in The Mental Health Services in a welfare state where mutual trust between employee and manager is essential? Where the work-life balance is among the best in the world and where you have the possibility for professional development? We offer a professional work environment in the beautiful Region of Southern Denmark At The Mental health Services, Region of Southern Denmark we want to strengthen our professional environment with a specialist physician. We are looking for a talented and dedicated psychiatrist to our department in Vejle. At arrival, you will participate in ...

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На разположение за следното събитие:

Stellenbeschreibung Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir eine versierte Fachkraft (m/w/d). Wir bieten grundsätzlich einen Vollzeit Arbeitsplatz an. Sie können sich aber auch bewerben, wenn Sie gerne Teilzeit bzw. im Rahmen eines Minijobs arbeiten möchten. Sie finden uns auch im Internet unter Ihre zukünftigen Hauptaufgabengebiete werden in der Entwurfsplanung, Ausschreibung von Bauleistungen und Bauüberwachung liegen. Voraussetzung sind Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in der Planung von Wohnhäusern, Gesellschaftsbauten, Schulen, Kindertagesstätten und ...

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klīniskais psihologs Tavi ieguvumi: Konkurētspējīgs atalgojums: Atalgojums līdz 2,500 EUR bruto plus virs vidējā atalgojuma pakete. Veselības apdrošināšana: Veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika. Mūsdienīga darba vide: Darbs lieliskā birojā Rīgas centrā ar mūsdienīgām darba vietām, atpūtas telpa, PlayStation, galda teniss un daudz kas cits. Dinamiska vide: Pievienojies multikulturālai komandai ar plakanu organizatorisko struktūru un darba kultūru, kurā visi uzrunā viens otru vārdā . Labsajūtas priekšrocības: Regulāras augļu piegādes, bezmaksas dzērieni un pozitīva darba vide ...

Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
2100 - 2300 EUR (Gross pay)

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