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Archived jobs

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На разположение за събитието:

As a Waiter / Waitress you are responsible to provide professional service to our guests, ensuring their restaurant visit will become a memorable dining experience whereby your role will include key responsibilities such as: • Perform all necessary tasks to service food and beverage according to the standard of performance manual of the hotel • Greet and seat customers and serve them in a professional, discreet and personalized way • Acquire in depth knowledge of the food and beverage menu of the assigned outlet in order to assist and provide advice to guests • Consistently monitor quality of ...

Работно място:
Cyprus, Protaras
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • English
  • Fair
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

As a Bartender you are responsible to provide the highest level of hospitality when preparing and providing beverages and your role will include key responsibilities such as: • Perform all necessary tasks to service beverages according to the standard of performance manual of the hotel • Achieve total guest satisfaction and organizational profitability through effective utilization of all resources • Delight the guest by offering trend setting and innovative products and services and contribute to sales activities and assist in maximizing revenue • Set up the bar and prepare all mise-en-place ...

Работно място:
Cyprus, Protaras
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • English
  • Fair
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Are you the Welder-Mechanic that we are looking for? - As a Welder-Mechanic you are an indispensable link for SPIE. You are responsible for the welding and assembly work for various industrial installations at our clients in West and East Flanders. - Half the time you spend bonding various components for industrial installations, especially pipeline systems. This usually by TIG electrode welding and on the basis of specific welding procedures. - The other half of the time, you work as a Mechanic on various metal constructions on the site. - You always perform these works on-site at the ...

Работно място:
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Are you the Pipefitter we are looking for? - Pipe fitting is craftsmanship! In the position of Pipefitter you are responsible for independently reading the isometric drawings and the preparatory work of pipe parts, consisting of pipes and fittings, in the workshop. So mathematical calculations no longer hold any secrets for you! - On-site you are responsible for the installation, assembly and connection of pipelines and piping. Variation enough due to the different diameters and wall thicknesses and the projects can be both renovation and new construction. - As a Pipefitter you work in close ...

Работно място:
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

This job as an Electrician is one for those who like to participate in the construction and maintenance of industrial installations, and who are willing to learn every day. What will you excel at? - Based on an electrical plan, you build the installation and make the necessary connections. - You install cable ladders and cable ducts, connect power cables and control cables. Always with due attention to safety regulations.

Работно място:
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

As Chief Engineer, you will be responsible for: · Managing all technicians and green services · Monitoring inventory and execution of maintenance and repair works (NEN2767) · Advising and supervising projects concerning the reduction of energy consumption, both in terms of process and facilities. · Follow-up works carried out · Call for tenders, price comparison and ordering of materials · Price request and contracts subcontractors - specialised experts · Annual implementation of the ASPEN index · Financial follow-up To this end, we offer a friendly, supportive and professional environment ...

Работно място:
Belgium, Flanders Region
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • French
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Tide Buss er eitt stærsta fyrirtækið í Noregi í akstri strætisvagna. Við erum bæði í rútu og strætisvagna akstri og erum einnig með akstur á flugrútum og langferðarbílum. Hjá Tide Buss starfa næstum 5000 starfsmenn og flestir starfa sem bílstjórar. Hefur þú unnið á norðurlöndunum? Og hefur þú norsku, dönsku eða sænsku kunnáttu? Þá endilega hafðu samband og við viljum gjarnan fá að heyra frá þér. Við höfum laus störf í Bergen, Þrándheimi og Tromsö.

Работно място:
Norway, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
33350 - 38895
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Tide Buss as je jednou z najväčších autobusových spoločností v Nórsku a Dánsku. Spoločnoť Tide Buss as prevádzkuje autobusovú dopravu v Nórsku a Dánsku na základe verejných zákaziek a aj komerčne (napr.zájazdy). Máme takmer 5000 zamestnancov, z toho vačšina sú vodiči. Pokiaľ ste pracovali v minulosti v Škandinávii a dohovoríte sa komunikatívne nórsky, dánsky alebo švédsky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať a porozprávať sa s nami o pracovnej ponuke. Máme voľné miesta vodičov autobusov v Bergene, Trondheime a Tromsø

Работно място:
Norway, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
33350 - 38895
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Tide jest jedną z największych firm transportowych w Norwegii i Danii. W Norwegii obsługujemy zarówno linie miejskie jak i komercyjne ( autobusy wycieczkowe). Firma zatrudnia prawie 5000 pracowników – głównie kierowców. Pracowałeś/łaś kiedyś w Skandynawii i znasz podstawy języka norweskiego, duńskiego lub szwedzkiego? Napisz do nas żeby porozmawiać o możliwości podjęcia pracy. Obenie zatrudniamy kierowców w Bergen, Trondheim i Tromsø.

Работно място:
Norway, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • Norwegian
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
33350 - 38895
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Tide Buss söker nu flera bussförare till avdelningenene i Tromsø, Trondhiem og Bergen. Som bussförare spelar du en viktig roll i andra människors liv, och du bidrar till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Vi söker dig som trivs bakom ratten och är serviceinriktad. Alle nya bussförare hos oss får en internutbildning. Om du önskar ytterligare variation i arbetet, finns det möjlighet att kombinera tjänsten inom linjetrafik med beställningstrafik, samt att jobba som faddare, instruktör och trafikledare.

Работно място:
Norway, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
33350 - 38895

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