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We always strive to keep looking for top talent to add to a team filled with values like character and dedication. If you share these features than VidaMar might be the place for you! Packed with multiple services and comforts, our elite resort is situated right next to a biodiverse nature reserve, facing the Atlantic’s infinite blue and a stone’s throw from a renowned golf course. VidaMar Algarve is so much more than just a beach holiday destination. The combination of “Vida” (Life) and “Mar” (Sea) is at the core of the concept, meaning that all guests can enjoy all finer things imaginable on ...

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На разположение за следното събитие:

Performs preventive and corrective maintenance, installation of power distribution boards, analyses power consumption and identifies electrical defects to repair or replace components, adjusting parts and simulating equipment operation. Come and be part of an extraordinary team of hospitality experts, focused on their passion to provide the best luxury experiences to all guests in a family environment. VILA VITA Portugal is a company with a solid and well-established family history in luxury hospitality and fine dining, operating several accommodation and restaurant units, highlighting a ...

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Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

Auxilio na preparação das refeições. Ajuda na recolha de equipamentos e utensílios utilizados, promovendo a limpeza, higienização e conservação da copa e cozinha.

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Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

We always strive to keep looking for top talent to add to a team filled with values like character and dedication. If you share these features than VidaMar might be the place for you! Packed with multiple services and comforts, our elite resort is situated right next to a biodiverse nature reserve, facing the Atlantic’s infinite blue and a stone’s throw from a renowned golf course. VidaMar Algarve is so much more than just a beach holiday destination. The combination of “Vida” (Life) and “Mar” (Sea) is at the core of the concept, meaning that all guests can enjoy all finer things imaginable on ...

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Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

This professional carries out painting work on furniture and interiors. Come and be part of an extraordinary team of hospitality experts, focused on their passion to provide the best luxury experiences to all guests in a family environment. VILA VITA Portugal is a company with a solid and well-established family history in luxury hospitality and fine dining, operating several accommodation and restaurant units, highlighting a collection of exclusive Villas, the VILA VITA SPA By SISLEY, our luxury Boutiques - V-LIFE Shops and several reference restaurants. We operate on the stage of luxury ...

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Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

Ugunsdzēsības aparātu korpusu un metāla kannu ražošanas uzņēmums Valmierā SIA VALPRO (Reģ.nr.40003058280) aicina darbā TEHNOLOGU (-ĢI) Galvenie darba pienākumi: ▪ uzturēt, attīstīt un pilnveidot ražošanas tehnoloģiju, iekārtas un aprīkojumu, uzlabojot un efektivizējot ražošanas tehnoloģiskos procesus ▪ plānot un ieviest produktivitātes uzlabošanas pasākumus Sagaidām kandidātu ar: ▪ augstāko vai vidējo tehnisko izglītību un darba pieredzi metālapstrādes vai mašīnbūves jomā ▪ zināšanām un izpratni par metālapstrādes procesiem, iekārtām, aprīkojumu ▪ vēlmi pētīt, izzināt un apgūt nezināmo ▪ labām ...

Предложен/а от:
Държава по месторабота:
Диапазон на заплащане:
1400 - 2200 EUR
На разположение за следното събитие:

Gestão das reservas dos clientes, fazer check-in e check-out. Dar informação sobre as atividades desenvolvidas no Camping assim como possíveis locais a visitar.

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Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

We always strive to keep looking for top talent to add to a team filled with values like character and dedication. If you share these features than VidaMar might be the place for you! Packed with multiple services and comforts, our elite resort is situated right next to a biodiverse nature reserve, facing the Atlantic’s infinite blue and a stone’s throw from a renowned golf course. VidaMar Algarve is so much more than just a beach holiday destination. The combination of “Vida” (Life) and “Mar” (Sea) is at the core of the concept, meaning that all guests can enjoy all finer things imaginable on ...

Предложен/а от:
Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided

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