Serviceman 100% position
Torsvåg Havfiske , Vannareid (Northern Norway)
Serviceman Fishing Camp 2020 season
We are looking for a new staff member!
Torsvåg Havfiske, estbl. 2005, is a touristcompany located 2 hours from Tromsø, in the northern part of Norway. We are running a fishingcamp, with 8 apartments and 3 separate houses as well as 18 Arvor boats for rental. Our season is from April-October. For the 2020-season we also need 2 cleaners.
Serviceman 100% position.
We are looking for one person to have the daily maintenance of our boats as your maintask
( daily cleaning, fixing smaller problems)
You need to have:
- Boat drivinglicense
- Mechanic experience for boats ( and paper showing this)
- Some knowledge in fishing
- Speaking English well
- Car Drivinglicense
You will also:
- Educate our guests in using the boats
- Cleaning fileterianhouse
- Maintenance of buildings ( paintings etc.)
- Transport tourists
- Working at the camp, taking care of the customers.
- Monthly salary: NOK 24000,-
You will be sharing a house for living. Seperate bedrooms.
If this sounds interesting, please contact us by email: info@torsvaag.no
Send søknad til:info@torsvaag.no
Antall stillinger:1
Arbeidsdager:Ukedager Lørdag Søndag
Arbeidstid:Dagtid Kveld
Kontaktperson for stillingen
Kontaktperson:Sonja Karlsen