PhD position in Diode Laser Based Lighting
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Lyngby-Taarbæk, 1 stilling
The Department of Photonics Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is seeking a candidate for a PhD position on investigation of new possibilities within diode laser based lighting.
Within the Diode Lasers and LED Systems group at DTU Fotonik, we are working on solid state lighting and diode lasers. Currently we have research projects on lighting based on phosphor converted blue diode lasers. The use of diode lasers has the potential to replace LEDs in many applications. LEDs suffer from a decrease in efficiency at high current densities contrary to the desire to produce more photons per unit area. Diode lasers, on the other hand, have higher efficiency at high current densities potentially leading to significantly brighter light sources.
The PhD student will join the Diode Lasers and LED Systems group at the Department of Photonics Engineering consisting of 25 employees, including several PhD students and postdocs. The group performs research on high brightness diode lasers, nonlinear optics, LED materials and devices, LED systems, colorimetry and photovoltaics. The group is internationally competitive in high-tech laser systems and energy saving LED lighting systems.
Project description
The goal of this PhD project is to study, propose and implement novel diode laser based lighting. This will involve development of blue diode lasers with improved brightness, study of wavelength converting materials for efficient conversion of coherent laser light into incoherent light appropriate for lighting applications.
The main topics the PhD will focus on within the project are:
•Improvement of brightness from blue diode lasers by external cavity feedback
•Efficient generation of white light using wavelength converting materials
•Optical design of reflectors and diffusers
•Use of diode laser based light sources for specialty applications
The PhD project will be at the forefront of solid state lighting development with clear goals for improving existing solutions in terms of light intensity, efficiency and quality. This topic is a relatively new research area with good possibilities for defining the future direction and producing high impact research articles.
The successful candidate must have a Master degree in Physics, Optics or equivalent. The applicant should preferably have qualifications within the following areas:
•Good hands-on experimental experience
•Solid knowledge on lasers and optics
•Solid state lighting
Good communication skills in oral and written English are required.
Approval and Enrolment
The scholarship for the PhD degree is subject to academic approval, only candidates with an above the average marks are accepted in the program. We recommend the applicants to contact the supervisors in advance to assess the suitability of the application.
Candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programs of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.
You can read more about Department of Photonics Engineering on <a href='javascript:openLinkWindow("http://www.fotonik.dtu.dk")' "="" data-cke-saved-href='javascript:openLinkWindow("http://www.fotonik.dtu.dk")'>http://www.fotonik.dtu.dk.
The assessment of the applicants will be made by Senior Researcher Ole Bjarlin Jensen and Professor Paul Michael Petersen.
Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current Danish rules for Ph.D. degree researchers. The period of employment is 3 years.
Further information
Further information may be obtained from Senior Researcher Ole Bjarlin Jensen (main supervisor), tel.:+45 4677 4553, email ojen@fotonik.dtu.dk or co-supervisor, Head of Group, Professor Paul Michael Petersen, tel.:+45 4677 4512, email pape@fotonik.dtu.dk.
Please submit your application as soon as possible and no later than 8 November 2015. Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link "Apply online," fill in the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one pdf file. The file must include:
•A letter motivating the application (cover letter)
•Curriculum vitae
•Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma (an official translation into English)
•Excel sheet with translation of grades to the Danish grading system (see guidelines and excel spreadsheet here)
Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their MSc degree, but cannot begin before having received it.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
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