Orthopedic shoemaker
As a manual shoemaker you become responsible for producing orthopedic shoes. This can be the complete operation or a number of sub-operations such as, In the mounting department: Mounting the insoles and reinforcement The making of the hielcap Mounting the upper on the last Mounting the lining, hielcap and nose reinforcment Closing the leather In the finishing department: Mounting of welt's and protection welt's Mounting of the heel and sole constuction fine sanding and modeling finishing of the shoe's Where producing made to measure orthopedic shoe's. Each pair is unique and even left and right different. The last, inlay and upper for each patient is supplied by our customer. We make the shoe's and send them back to our custumer who delivers to the patient. High level of craftsmanship and an eye for quality. Work well and quickly at the same time. Socially skilled and can work well in a group. Willing to learn Dutch and living in the Netherlands.