Iron/metal worker / Pracovník s kovmi (ID 8879)
About Koflexwerk
Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service. Therefore we always work according to the collective agreements of the NBBU cao for temporary workers. We are certified for:
-NBBU (Organizations of Employment Agencies in the Netherlands).
-NEN-4400-1 certificate.
-Certified Flex Home.
About the job
-Work of heavy structures, shipbuilding and offshore related.
-Constructing, compiling and assembling independently according to the drawing, as well as electric tack welding, autogenous welding and cutting on site, often at mounting height, from construction work such as: roro link spans, lock gates, bridges, pontoons, jack-up platforms, dredging equipment, container pontoons and working vessels buildings, pipe bridges, cranes, crane tracks, scaffolding, machine building, ovens etc.
-Marking and removal according to the drawing of modifications to pressure vessels, crane parts and crane tracks.
-The making of parts for it, the assembly and assembly of common interior work, such as non-ferro and various types of dishes.
-Grinding, bonding, autogenous cutting and burning on sections and various workpieces / steel constructions.
-Works according to his chef's assignment and drawings.
-Checks the supplied material to be processed (type and quantity according to the drawing).
-Manufactures and assembles in such a way that the product meets the set final tolerances.
Position demands
-Working experience and/or training as a metal worker in construction or shipbuilding is necessary. Work experience in a comparable shipbuilding function as Ship's Worker, Composer, Shipbuilder, Casco Builder.
-Being able to read drawings independently.
-Flexible mentality, able to work independently but also as part of a team.
-Understandable German or English.
-In possession of VCA or willing to obtain VCA.
-European driver’s license.
-Candidates with ambition in the field of shipbuilding, we also invite you to apply.
What we offer
-Challenging job for at least 40 hours a week in long running projects.
-Varied work with our reliable clients. Good working conditions.
-Continued work with good future perspectives
-Work place visits by our field staff colleagues
-Good salary (costs of health insurance and housing already deducted)
-Punctual weekly payment.
-Accommodation provided, standards according to Dutch law (€75,00 gross per week).
-Guidance from our company to make you feel at home in a country far from home.
-When necessary we offer transport from home to work.
Ironworker/construction bench worker Eur 450 - 500 net per week
V prípade záujmu o túto pracovnú pozíciu, pošlite prosím Váš životopis v anglickom alebo nemeckom jazyku na adresu: zuzana.kubovicova@upsvr.gov.sk
Do predmetu správy uveďte názov a ID číslo pracovnej ponuky: Iron/metal worker / Pracovník s kovmi - ID 8879
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