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Дата на събитието:
10 October 2019
Вид на събитието:
Онлайн / На място
Място на събитието:
UMELKA Gallery, Dostojevskeho rad 4533/2, Bratislava, Slovakia
Статус на регистрацията:

142 налични работни места за това събитие

На разположение за следното събитие:

Miesto výkonu: Heiligengrabe Pre veľkého, medzinárodne pôsobiaceho výrobcu kvalitných a zdravých laminátových podláh a drevených materiálov, hľadáme zamestnancov, ktorí chcú s nadšením a odhodlaním prispieť k úspechu spoločnosti, ktorá je jedným z najväčších zamestnávateľov v regióne Brandenburg. Tento rodinný podnik založený pred polstoročím, ktorý sa v priebehu rokov rozrástol na nadnárodnú spoločnosť, je dnes jedným z popredných svetových výrobcov drevených podláh, hi-tech produktov na báze dreva a ekologicky šetrných izolačných výrobkov. Jedná sa o produkty od vysoko izolačných ...

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Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

Stellenbeschreibung: Lieferung und Aufbau von Küchen aller Art in Vollzeit Verlegung von Arbeitspaltten (Holz und ggf. Stein oder Keramik) Diverse Anpassungsarbeiten (z.B. Blenden) mit Stichsägen, Elektrohobeln etc. Einfache Elektro- und Wasseranschlüsse Der ideale Kandidat: Grundlegende Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse hohe Lernbereitschaft - Deutsch wird von unseren Kunden als Umgangssprache erwartet handwerkliches Geschick Freundliches und gepflegtes Auftreten Bereitschaft zum selbständigen Arbeiten mehrjährige Erfahrung im Aufbau von Küchen Erfahrung im Umgang mit Werkzeugen zur ...

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Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

Stellenbeschreibung: Lieferung und Aufbau von Mőbeln aller Art in Vollzeit Diverse Anpassungsarbeiten (z.B. Blenden) mit Stichsägen, Elektrohobeln etc. Einfache Elektro- und Wasseranschlüsse Der ideale Kandidat: Grundlegende Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse hohe Lernbereitschaft - Deutsch wird von unseren Kunden als Umgangssprache erwartet handwerkliches Geschick Freundliches und gepflegtes Auftreten Bereitschaft zum selbständigen Arbeiten Erfahrung im Aufbau von Mőbeln Erfahrung im Umgang mit Werkzeugen zur Holzbearbeitung Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit Flexibilität Kőrperliche Ausdauer ...

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Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

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Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

Предложен/а от:
Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

Предложен/а от:
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Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

Предложен/а от:
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Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

Предложен/а от:
Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

Предложен/а от:
Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
На разположение за следното събитие:

About Koflexwerk Koflexwerk is a future-oriented company with its registered office. For 5 years now we have been involved in the placement and hiring of labour for the Dutch Technical and Logistic sector. With our steady and healthy growth over this period, Koflexwerk has become a serious and reliable partner for many large, high-turnover construction companies in the Netherlands. By 2018, we already employed an average of 500 staff on a daily basis in a wide range of technical projects. Koflexwerk and our subsidiaries, as staffing in the technical sector, guarantees an optimal service ...

Предложен/а от:
Държава по месторабота:
Икономически сектор:
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided