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Дата на събитието:
08 April 2025
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Онлайн, Recruitment event
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За събитието

Would you like to work in Healthcare in Ireland?  

Many private nursing homes and home care providers around Ireland are recruiting Healthcare Assistants and Nurses.

Variety of roles will be available at this event, including: 

  • Care of the elderly in private nursing homes,
  • Care of the elderly in their homes,
  • Care of adults and children with mental health and intellectual disabilities,
  • Domestic Assistants

Do you Know?

  • Some Healthcare Assistants roles require qualifications (QQI Level 5 equivalent healthcare course) but many do not and will provide full training..
  • Candidates must be EU/EEA nationals or eligible to work in Ireland.
  • B1 minimum in English is required.

Register now for ‘Healthcare Recruitment in Ireland 2025’ online event and apply for work opportunities available across Ireland. 

If you are a NON-EU national and have work experience in the Healthcare sector, please contact us by email

1. Browse and apply for jobs before the event.

Register in advance, upload your CV and apply for any suitable jobs advertised for this event. Employers will review your applications and can invite you for an online job interview. 
To register – click here or watch this video tutorial.

2. Find out how to succeed in getting a job in Ireland

On 8th of April 2025, you can join the online interviews with employers and virtually attend a programme of interesting presentations. You can watch employers’ presentations, learn about living and working conditions in Ireland, financial grants available to you and get some help with the application process.

3. Talk to us!

Chat online with employers and ask questions during a Q&A session after each presentation.

In order to participate online, you need to register for the event in advance.  Click here to create a new account and register for the event or log in to your account if you already have one to join.

Save the date and join us online on Tuesday, 8th of April 2025!

For more information email: 

Are you an Irish employer looking for candidates from across the EU or Ireland?

A range of recruitment services will be available to employers, including publishing vacancies on the event’s website, automatic screening/matching/interview scheduling in advance of the event and jobseekers will be waiting to speak with you on the day. The event will be widely advertised in Europe through targeted social media campaigns, social media platforms, and online. 

In order to participate in the online event, you need to register and upload your jobs in advance of the event. Registration for employers is now open. Once you have registered and advertised your vacancies, we will promote your jobs to jobseekers in Ireland and across Europe.

For more information email: 
