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Our agency, placed in Madrid, recruits doctors, physiotherapists and nurses from Spain, Portugal and Italy who want to go to France and United Kingdom to work. We help our candidates to prepare all the documents and we follow them during 3 months after their arrival to check everything is ok with them. About the doctors, we are looking for every specialty but mainly Rehabilitators, psychiatrists, geraitrics, generalists, cardiologists, anaesthesists, endocrinologists, pediatrics, radiologists neumologists and neurologists.

Детайли за организацията
Данни за контакт:

email: tel: +34 627 83 61 98 +34 91 844 03 76


Event participation(s)

Participating: Онлайн
Participating: Онлайн
18 - 21 November 2014
Participating: Онлайн
22 - 23 May 2014
Participating: На място
Participating: Онлайн
Participating: На място
29 - 30 October 2013
Participating: Online & Onsite