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Resilience is a fully Irish owned health and social care provider and was founded in 2011. Resilience provides services across most of Ireland under two divisions:

Advanced Community Care -providing home and community nursing services

This is your opportunity to work at the cutting-edge of complex care – learning, experiencing and growing – while tapping into the human side of nursing that drove your career choice.

As an Advanced Community Care Nurse...

  • You provide nursing support to one patient, out in the community, in their family home.
  • You nurse patients with a range of complex needs including invasive and non-invasive ventilators, skin disorders, life-limiting illnesses and congenital disorders.
  • You are carefully placed within a family, according to your skills and experience and on secure contract. This is a permanent role allowing for continuity care.
  • You provide palliative care to children and young-adults who have a life-limiting medical condition.
  • You have the constant support of one of 7 nurse managers, so you never feel left alone to cope.
  • You work the hours you choose – that can be 40 hours a week or as little as 10 hours a week. You can work only with us, or you can combine this work with your HSE work, enabling you to keep your benefit package.
  • It’s a focused, individualised approach to nursing in a comfortable, family environment.
  • You are able to keep up your ongoing education and general nursing skills by doing accredited training programmes with us.


Social Care – residential, shared care, outreach and day services to people with disabilities.

Our Social Care division provides support to children and adults with intellectual, physical and sensory disabilities, and Autism Spectrum Disorder and also supports individuals who may present with behaviours of concern. We are proud to be offering families progressive solutions which focus on empowerment of our service users, rather than limiting their experiences of life.


We focus on Empowering

In Social Care, we’re proud to be helping to change the face of support for people with Intellectual Disability and Autism, in Ireland. Proud to be offering families progressive services which focus on empowerment of people rather than limiting their experiences of life.



As well as the mandatory industry training, we have developed our own bespoke training packages, including: Company and HR Induction, Garda Vetting, Children First, SOVA, Infection Prevention and Control, PMH, First Aid, Food Hygiene HACCP, SAMs, Epilepsy, Fire Safety, MAPA and Autism Training.

For Autism services, Support Workers also take part in practical workshops to learn specific skills. These include how to adapt an environment for a child with sensory needs and the development of specific aids such as visual schedules and alternative communication systems. 

We also assist all team members to constantly develop their skills – making both time and funding available to them.

A key Resilience differentiation is that our Outreach staff receive the same training as our Residential Care staff – maintaining exceptional high standards of support across the board.


We are continuing to grow and have exciting plans for 2021 and this will give opportunites for 90 Nursing Roles, 250 Social Care Roles and 10 Corporate roles.  




Our Purpose

To enhance the quality of peoples lives.



Quality, safety and reliability are Resilience’s foremost priorities. Key elements of our robust governance arrangements to achieve these include:

Committed Leadership

Resilience is an Irish owned Independent health and social care provider. The Board of Directors ensures that Resilience are managed effectively.

The Managing Director of Resilience, Laura Keane, reports directly to the Board of Directors. She is both a clinician and a highly qualified and experienced health services manager, and she has promoted a culture of person-centred, high quality, person centred service delivery, underpinned by robust clinical governance. She is supported by an experienced senior management team, as outlined in our management team structure.


Quality Assurance

Resilience uses the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare 2012 to guide our delivery of high quality and safe homecare.

Resilience is a registered provider with the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). We have registered services that have been inspected and deemed compliant with the regulations/standards for residential services for children and adults with disabilities. Whilst these regulations do not apply to home-based services, it demonstrates that we are an approved provider of services for children and adults with high support needs and operate in compliance with the relevant regulations and standards. Many of these are equally applicable to the provision of home care to people with complex medical conditions.

In March 2018 Resilience achieved a Committed to Excellence Award from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). The EFQM Excellence Model provides a holistic tool for assessing how effective organisations are in developing and delivering a stakeholder focused strategy and recognises those companies that achieve and sustain superior levels of performance in relation to meeting the expectations of their stakeholders.


Health and Safety

Resilience has embedded the principles of the Health, Safety & Welfare at Work Act 1997 through our policy statement and a suite of procedures and processes. The aim of this policy and supporting procedures is to ensure that the health, safety, and welfare of employees, clients, their families, and contractors is maintained at all times. We have procedures in place for the following key components of our robust Health and Safety management system:

• Identification of roles and responsibilities

• Reporting arrangements

• Assessment of hazards and the management of risk

• Welfare of the staff

• Monitoring arrangements

• Audit and inspection

• Training and inductions

• Procedures to maintain safety

• Document control.

Resilience has an incident reporting system that ensures incidents are reported in timely manner and necessary corrective actions are put in place, debriefs occur and corrective actions are reviewed to evaluate effectiveness.


Clinical Governance

We have developed a robust clinical governance framework, which is integrated with our risk register and risk management framework.

Key elements include:

• Identification of roles and responsibilities

• Reporting arrangements

• Assessment of hazards and the management of risk

• Welfare of the staff

• Monitoring arrangements

• Audit and inspection

• Training and inductions

• Procedures to maintain safety

• Document control.

Resilience has an incident reporting system that ensures incidents are reported in timely manner and necessary corrective actions are put in place, debriefs occur and corrective actions are reviewed to evaluate effectiveness.



Resilience ‘Child Protection and Welfare, Policy and Procedure’ is fully in line with the standards outlined in ‘Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children’, both in processes, the appointment of a Designated Liaison Person and application in our services. All documentation and guidance that is used within Resilience for safeguarding children has been created based around the core principles of ‘Children First’

Resilience’s ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons, Policy and Procedure’’ is in line with the Health Service Executive’s ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse’. There is an appointed Designated Officer, we report incidents / allegations as they arise and follow the prescribed process of screening, determining if there are grounds for concern, linking with regional HSE Safeguarding Teams, developing safeguarding plans and conducting any investigations as necessary. All staff investigations are carried out in line with Trust in Care.

Resilience is proactive in developing structures, systems and processes to reduce the risk of persons we support being placed in abusive situations. These include:

• Values based services based on empowerment, respect, person centeredness, caring and integrity which are embraced at all levels of the organisation.

• Continuously nurturing a culture of reporting and disclosure.

• Policies and procedures – in particular policies which guide good practice on provision of personal or intimate care.

• Robust recruitment and selection processes; in particular compliance with regulations for Garda vetting.

Детайли за организацията
Данни за контакт:

Social Care Career Enquiries : Carol Cosgrave

Nursing & Healthcare Assistant Enquiries: Riks Gruss

Head Office:   Block 2, Ballymaley Business Park, Ballymaley, Ennis. Co.  Clare   Tel: 353 65 672 2875

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