About the organisation
INFINITY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS S.p.A. nasce nel 2008 dalla fusione tra Sviluppi Industriali e Spike sfruttando la naturale complementarietà delle relative offerte per diventare player di riferimento nel mercato dell'industry automation.
Ha all'attivo collaborazioni con i principali provider di soluzioni di automazione industriale (PCS e MES) .
ITS brings the future into your company.
Competitiveness, new technologies, innovation and process optimization. Broaden your horizons. Discover Infinity Technology Solutions, your ideal partner for optimizing performance and process results.
ITS is always at your side, throughout the entire process of implementation of new technologies, from the strategic planning of tailor-made solutions to their execution.
Its strengths: know-how acquired through prestigious international projects and a continuous striving for the highest technological standards, always in line with sector updates, as a guarantee of high efficiency and absolute excellence.
This is Infinity Technology Solutions. Are you ready to step into the future?