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Coffey is a family-owned water infrastructure and civil engineering specialist established in 1974. We are passionate about safety and have been delivering critical infrastructure projects on time and within budget for nearly 50 years. The hallmarks of our contracts are innovative solutions, engineering ingenuity, professional construction management and adherence to the highest safety and quality standards. We are hiring a Senior Electrical Design Engineer. Working closely with closely with other Design Engineers, the Electrical Design Engineer will assist the preparation of preliminary ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
45000 - 65000 EUR (Gross pay)
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Coffey is a family-owned water infrastructure and civil engineering specialist established in 1974. We are passionate about safety and have been delivering critical infrastructure projects on time and within budget for nearly 50 years. The hallmarks of our contracts are innovative solutions, engineering ingenuity, professional construction management and adherence to the highest safety and quality standards. Job Title: Lead Civil Design Engineer. The lead civil design engineer is responsible for leading the design process for civil engineering projects, ensuring that designs meet client ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
45000 - 65000 EUR (Gross pay)
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Region Norrbotten is a county situated in Norrbotten in the northernmost part of Sweden, constituting a quarter of Sweden. Region Norrbotten provides healthcare and dental care, and support research and education. We contribute to the development of Norrbotten, and work with culture, public transport and regional cooperation. The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, 24 healthcare centres and 19 dental clinics spread out in all the municipalities. Region Norrbotten serves the residents of Norrbotten. We are governed by the residents of the ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
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Region Norrbotten is a county situated in Norrbotten in the northernmost part of Sweden, constituting a quarter of Sweden. Region Norrbotten provides healthcare and dental care, and support research and education. We contribute to the development of Norrbotten, and work with culture, public transport and regional cooperation. The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, 24 healthcare centres and 19 dental clinics spread out in all the municipalities. Region Norrbotten serves the residents of Norrbotten. We are governed by the residents of the ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
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Region Norrbotten is a county situated in Norrbotten in the northernmost part of Sweden, constituting a quarter of Sweden. Region Norrbotten provides healthcare and dental care, and support research and education. We contribute to the development of Norrbotten, and work with culture, public transport and regional cooperation. The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, 24 healthcare centres and 19 dental clinics spread out in all the municipalities. Region Norrbotten serves the residents of Norrbotten. We are governed by the residents of the ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon:
Not provided
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Strauji augošs metālapstrādes uzņēmums LSEZ SIA ”RT Metāls” aicina pievienoties savai komandai METINĀTĀJU uz nenoteiktu laiku. Prasības kandidātiem: -Kā priekšrocība tiks uzskatīta vidējā speciālā izglītība metālapstrādē vai līdzīgā tehniskā nozarē; -Vēlama pieredze metināšanā; -Vēlama prasme lasīt rasējumus u.c. tehnisko dokumentāciju. Mēs piedāvājam: -Pilnas slodzes darbu stabilā uz eksportu orientētā ražošanas uzņēmumā; -Zināšanām un darba pieredzei atbilstošu atalgojumu atkarībā no katra pretendenta individuālajām zināšanām, kvalifikācijas, prasmēm un spējām; -Alga sākot no 1386 EUR (8,30 ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
1386 - 1500 EUR (Gross pay)
O modulu:

Much More Intrattenimenti, personal research for Animation-Sport and Entertainment for the 2025 SUMMER season. We are present in 10 regions and serve more than 25 tourist structures. The roles you can apply for are: - Team Leader - Entertainer - Animator of Contact - Mini Club Coordinator - Mini Club assistant (4-12 years) - Baby Club assistant (0-4 years) - Junior Club Assistant (13-17 years) - Fitness Instructor - Sea Sport Instructor - Combat Sports Instructor - Team Sports Instructor - Theater Sound and Lighting Technician - Video Mapping Technician (content management and creation) - ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
500 - 1800 EUR (Net pay)
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SIA “Smartlynx Airlines” aicina pievienoties komandai PROJEKTA VADĪTĀJU (TEHNISKĀS PROGRAMMATŪRAS INTEGRĀCIJA) PIENĀKUMI: Vadīt un pārvaldīt programmatūras integrācijas projektus no uzsākšanas līdz pabeigšanai, nodrošinot saskaņošanu ar biznesa mērķiem tehniskajā nodaļā. Izstrādāt visaptverošus projektu plānus, detalizēti norādot darbības jomu, grafiku, resursus un riska pārvaldības stratēģijas. Cieši sadarboties ar iekšējām tehniskajām komandām, tostarp IT, izstrādes, kā arī ārējiem piegādātājiem, lai apkopotu prasības un nodrošinātu veiksmīgu integrāciju. Identificēt, analizēt un samazināt ...

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
4000 - 5000 EUR (Gross pay)
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SIA Liepājas kuģu būves rūpnīca aicina darbā LOKMETINĀTĀJUS METINĀŠANĀ AR MEHANIZĒTO IEKĀRTU INERTĀS GĀZES VIDĒ (MIG) darbam ar alumīnija korpusiem. Nepieciešama iepriekšēja darba pieredze. Piedāvājam: Konkurētspējīgu atalgojumu no 2000 - 2500EUR(bruto), piemaksas un bonusu sistēmu; Nodrošinam ar bezmaksas dzīvesvietu (dienesta viesnīca) CV lūdzam sūtīt uz e-pastu:

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Monthly):
2000 - 2500 EUR (Gross pay)
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MMD Construction are seeking to recruit a Junior Environmental, Health and Safety Advisor. The Role of the /junior EHS Advisor will be to guide, support and advise Project/Site Managers and other relevant personnel on the implementation and continuous improvement of MMD Construction systems and standards in accordance with the MMD Construction Safety, Quality and Environmental Management Systems. The Junior EHS Advisor will receive Guidance from a Senior member of the team who will train and coach in line with best practice.

Država delovnega mesta:
Plačni razpon (Yearly):
34000 - 40000 EUR (Gross pay)

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