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Building Ireland’s Future

Careers in Construction 2025
Dátum udalosti:
07 november 2024
Druh podujatia:
On-line, Recruitment event
Stav registrácie:

2 pracovné miesta dostupné pre toto podujatie

Jobs recorded for this event: 119

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:

Concrete Finisher Concrete finishers are responsible for ensuring the concrete floor is installed correctly and defect free, using the latest machinery and technology available. They are responsible for levelling, compacting, and protecting freshly poured concrete flooring as it cures and making sure that it has the optimum pitch and depth required. Candidates must have: At least 2 years working with concrete in this particular role Must be competent and experienced using a ride-on power float Ability to travel for work

Jazykové zručnosti:
  • English
  • Very good
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:

The Concrete Labourer will perform many tasks that require physical labour on construction sites in all types of weather. You will be required to clean and prepare sites, set braces to support form work, lay mesh and clean up rubble and debris. In addition, you will position and secrete steel bars or mesh in concrete forms to reinforce concrete through a variety of fasteners and hand tools. The Concrete Labourer will assist other craft workers and take instructions when required as well.

Jazykové zručnosti:
  • English
  • Good
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided