Living and Working in Dalarna Day
Dátum udalosti:
29 august 2014
Druh podujatia:
On-line / Na mieste
Stav registrácie:
1 pracovné miesta dostupné pre toto podujatie
Jobs recorded for this event: 8
Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.
Pokročilé vyhľadávanie
K dispozícii pre podujatie:
Informácie o:
Description of responsibilities: As product developer you will be reporting to the company’s Development Manager and be located at the company’s development department in Malung. You will have responsibility for taking concepts through to manufacturing and managing every stage of the development process, improving existing products as well as design and variant management. This role will involve close collaboration with our marketing department and our customers in the automotive industry. The ideal candidate should be customer request oriented and consistently looking for new opportunities ...
Jazykové zručnosti:
- English
- Very good
Platové rozpätie:
Not provided