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15 Maio 2019 - Work In Flanders 2019 - VOLOS [15 May 2019] Auditorium #1
Esta sessão terminou, mas ainda é possível ver abaixo a ordem do dia.
From 15:00 up to 20:00 Flemish EURES Advisers and Employers will be available to talk with any interested people and collect CVs. Additionally, Greek EURES Advisers will be available during the day to assist and facilitate participation.
From 15:00 up to 20:00 Flemish EURES Advisers and Employers will be available to talk with any interested people and collect CVs. Additionally, Greek EURES Advisers will be available during the day to assist and facilitate participation.
From 15:00 up to 20:00 Flemish EURES Advisers and Employers will be available to talk with any interested people and collect CVs. Additionally, Greek EURES Advisers will be available during the day to assist and facilitate participation.
From 15:00 up to 20:00 Flemish EURES Advisers and Employers will be available to talk with any interested people and collect CVs. Additionally, Greek EURES Advisers will be available during the day to assist and facilitate participation.
From 15:00 up to 20:00 Flemish EURES Advisers and Employers will be available to talk with any interested people and collect CVs. Additionally, Greek EURES Advisers will be available during the day to assist and facilitate participation.
From 15:00 up to 20:00 Flemish EURES Advisers and Employers will be available to talk with any interested people and collect CVs. Additionally, Greek EURES Advisers will be available during the day to assist and facilitate participation.
16 Maio 2019 - Work In Flanders 2019 - VOLOS [16 May 2019] Auditorium #1
Esta sessão terminou, mas ainda é possível ver abaixo a ordem do dia.