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Disponíveis para o evento:

Kitchen Assistant / Dishwasher – Restaurant Overzee, Nes (Ameland) As a Kitchen Assistant / Dishwasher at Restaurant Overzee in Nes (Ameland), you play a crucial role in the kitchen. You support the kitchen team with various tasks, such as keeping the workspace clean, washing dishes and kitchenware, and assisting with basic food preparation. Your contribution ensures the kitchen stays organized and hygienic, allowing the chefs to work efficiently. Tasks and Responsibilities: Washing dishes, cutlery, glassware, and kitchen equipment using an industrial dishwasher Manually cleaning kitchen ...

Local de trabalho:
Netherlands, Ameland (one of the Wadden islands in the north west of NL)
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Patissier / Konditor w / m / d #AB SOMMERSAISON #Erfahrung Du bist ein Profi in der Patisserie und liebst es, Menschen mit süßen Köstlichkeiten zu begeistern? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Werde Teil unseres Teams und zaubere unvergessliche Genussmomente in einem der besten Kinderhotels in den Alpen. 🍰 DAS ERWARTET DICH Kreativität trifft auf Handwerkskunst – Du bringst deine Ideen in unsere Patisserie ein und setzt sie mit Hingabe um. Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten – Von Torten bis österreichische Süßspeisen: Du hast alles im Griff! Du organisierst dich selber und arbeitest ...

Local de trabalho:
Austria, 5550 Radstadt
Competências linguísticas:
  • German
  • Very good
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2200 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

CHEF DE PARTIE w / m / d # ab OSTERN und SOMMERSAISON # Erfahrung Du liebst es, mit Leidenschaft zu kochen und dein Können in einer strukturierten und hygienischen Umgebung unter Beweis zu stellen? 👩‍🍳 DAS ERWARTET DICH Als Chef de Partie sorgst du für die pünktliche Zubereitung hochwertiger Speisen und übernimmst Verantwortung für deinen Posten. Sorgfalt, Umsicht und ein gut organisierter Arbeitsplatz sind für dich selbstverständlich. Bei uns steht Teamgeist und Wertschätzung an erster Stelle – wir suchen einen echten Teamplayer, der nicht nur mit Fachwissen überzeugt, sondern auch mit einer ...

Local de trabalho:
Austria, 5550 Radstadt
Competências linguísticas:
  • German
  • Very good
  • English
  • Good
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2000 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Four-star wellness hotel located on the Tonale Pass (1884 mt.) is looking for 2 waiters/waitresses to join its team for the summer season. In particular, the candidates will be responsible for: preparing the dining room, welcoming customers, taking orders, describing food and drinks served to the customers, setting and clearing tables. Duties: breakfast and dinner services, lunch occasionally. Contract: 3 months, from mid-June to mid-September.

Local de trabalho:
Italy, Vermiglio (Trento, Trentino Alto-Adige)
Competências linguísticas:
  • Italian
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
1200 - 1600 EUR (Net pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Service employee: taking orders, making drinks, clear and cleaning tables and the kitchen help is helping to make the orders for our guests The Restaurant is especially a Dutch pancake restaurant located in Burg-Haamstede. This is in the South-west of the Netherlands nearby the Sea. They also have waffles, coffee and little pancakes, called poffertjes in Dutch. Housing is provided , there is an appartment for staff

Local de trabalho:
Netherlands, Burg-Haamstede
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2426 - 3120 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Employee breakfast service As breakfast service staff you ensure a fantastic start to the day for our guests! You really pamper them by providing optimal service and greeting them with a smile and a friendly word. You show the guest the best table you have available and show them our range of fresh, healthy and authentic products. You maintain and supplement the breakfast buffet with pride and an attentive eye. You set and clear tables, wash dishes, take orders and serve them. After the service, you and your team ensure that the restaurant is tidy and clean again and ensure that the stock is ...

Local de trabalho:
Netherlands, Cadzand
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2426 - 3120 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Kitchen employee If possible, a self-employed chef or at least experience in the kitchen and willing to learn the trade further. The company is a Dutch Brewer and Beer Bar where people can drink and eat. Housing will be arranged for staff The service employee is bringing the drinks and food to our guests The place of work is GROEDE, Zeeland in the Southwest of the Netherlands, nearby the sea The location is a real brewery and people are able to sit in the middle of it yo join drinks and food

Local de trabalho:
Netherlands, Groede
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2426 - 3120 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

Friendly employees wanted for the best holiday job in the bustling Vlissingen! For our fish shop with restaurant and large terrace, we are looking for two driven and enthusiastic employees for the summer months (July to September). Service and bar service will be the main task and at the beginning and end of the day we prepare the restaurant and the shop, think of cleaning and tidying up. It is important to be friendly and customer-oriented. Our aim is to have the most satisfied customer possible and that is why we like to deliver quality. We work with a very easy cash register system, which ...

Local de trabalho:
Netherlands, Vlissingen
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Fair
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2426 - 3120 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

O Wyndham Grand Algarve está a recrutar Empregadas de Lavandaria (M/F) para reforçar a equipa de Housekeeping. Descrição da Função: Responsável pelo tratamento e organização de têxteis, assegurando padrões de higiene e apresentação impecáveis. Principais Responsabilidades: Lavagem, secagem, passagem a ferro e dobragem de têxteis Controlo de qualidade da roupa tratada Organização e apresentação da lavandaria Candidatura: no envio por e-mail, incluir CV e carta de motivação, colocando em assunto "Empregada de Lavandaria" Wyndham Grand Algarve is recruiting Laundry Workers to reinforce the ...

Local de trabalho:
Portugal, Quinta do Lago (Almancil, Loulé)
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Basic
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Proposto por:
Disponíveis para o evento:

O Wyndham Grand Algarve, unidade hoteleira de 5 estrelas localizada na Quinta do Lago, está a recrutar Empregadas de Áreas Públicas (M/F) para assegurar a limpeza e manutenção dos espaços comuns do hotel. Descrição da Função: Responsável por garantir a limpeza, organização e apresentação das áreas comuns, assegurando que os padrões de limpeza e excelência são cumpridos de acordo com as normas do hotel. Principais Responsabilidades: Limpeza e organização das zonas comuns, incluindo lobby, corredores, outlets e instalações sanitárias Cumprimento dos protocolos de higiene e segurança Comunicação ...

Local de trabalho:
Portugal, Quinta do Lago (Almancil, Loulé)
Competências linguísticas:
  • English
  • Basic
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided

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