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Encontre o seu emprego

Disponível para o seguinte evento:

In the past you liked to work on scooters, motors or maybe even drones. And when an electrical device in you home stopt working, you were the first person who finds the sollution. Starting with these basics, your education and your own experience, you have managed to develop into a great engineer. You believe it is a challenge to think of new creative ways to solve technical problems. Does this sound familliar? Than you could be a good fit in the im | innovating team. What a typical workday looks like You start your workday with a cup of coffee together with your colleages. After this you ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
2500 - 4500 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

im | innovating, in the short term, is looking for a: Allround Technical Field Engineer To give our growth further shape, we are looking for an all-round technical engineer with experience in mechanics, hydraulics and electrical engineering, that would be able to install and maintain machines, bought by our clients, through breakdowns and revisions in Netherlands and abroad. im | innovating provides a complete package of leather tannery and leather processing machines, associated parts, service and maintenance-contracts as well as turn-key projects. Knowledge of the process of how leather is ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
3000 - 5000 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

LIFE TOURISM is looking for CHOREOGRAPHERS - DANCERS to be included in the most renowned tourist villages with IMMEDIATE departures for the whole winter season or with departures from February 2024. The best 4 and 5 star resorts in Egypt, Greece, Spain, Switzerland and Italy are waiting for you immediately for 3 or 6 months, with the possibility of annual work. Excellent salary with company benefits and 100% salary payment every month into your account. Life Agency offers: 1. Fixed-term contract including agreed remuneration 2. Food and accommodation 3. Flights included 4. Accident insurance 5 ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
600 - 850 EUR (Net pay)
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

LIFE TOURISM is looking for SPORT - DJ - entertainers to be included in the most renowned tourist villages with IMMEDIATE departures for the whole winter season or with departures from February 2024. The best 4 and 5 star resorts in Egypt, Greece, Spain, Switzerland and Italy are waiting for you immediately for 3 or 6 months, with the possibility of annual work. Excellent salary with company benefits and 100% salary payment every month into your account. Life Agency offers: 1. Fixed-term contract including agreed remuneration 2. Food and accommodation 3. Flights included 4. Accident insurance ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
500 - 600 EUR (Net pay)
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

EVENTI ANIMAZIONE IS LOOKING FOR SUPER STARS! Eventi Animazione is hiring international entertainers at the Lake Garda and the Adriatic coast in Italy for the summer of 2024. Are you looking for a new adventure as a kids entertainer, a sport entertainer, dancer or team chief? Contact us to plan your first interview. ONLY EUROPEAN CITIZENS ALLOWED In Italië word je in het Nederlands ondersteund én Eventi Animazione is een erkend SBB leerbedrijf! Reageer je snel? Dan zien we elkaar misschien binnnenkort in La Bella Italia! Als deutschsprachiger Superheld bist du der Ansprechpartner für alle ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
600 - 1200 EUR (Net pay)
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

En tant que Chef de Rang, vous assistez le Maître d'Hôtel pour le service en salle. Vous êtes responsable d'un groupe de table et assurez les commandes auprès des clients. Vous encadrez une équipe de commis et de serveurs. Missions: • Vous assurez la mise en place de la salle et de votre rang. • Vous accueillez, conseillez les clients dans leurs choix, vous leur apportez les plats ; vous offrez un service attentionné. • Vous anticipez les besoins des clients et vous vous adaptez à leur rythme. • Vous encadrez les commis et serveurs débutants. D'une manière générale, le titulaire du poste peut ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
1850 - 2100 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

En tant que Commis de salle, vous participez à la mise en place du service, au dressage des tables et à divers travaux de préparation. Vous êtes la personne intermédiaire entre la cuisine et le client. MISSIONS - Assurer la disposition et mise en place des outils de travail mis à votre disposition ; - Assurer l'entretien du matériel de votre service afin de le conserver dans un état impeccable ; - Connaître la composition des cartes et des produits qui y figurent ; - Bien connaître son point de vente ainsi que les autres services de l'hôtel pour répondre de manière positive aux demandes des ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
1850 - 1950 EUR (Gross pay)

Tu pourras travailler dans un hôtel ou dans un camping. On travaille à Roses (Girona). Tu travailleras dans l'équipe d'animation. En tant que animatrice polivalente, tu feras un peu de tout : tu garderas les enfants au miniclub et tu feras aussi des activités sportives, sociaux et fitness/wellness avec les adults. Tu devras être très flexible et prête à aider n’importe où, n’importe quand. Voici les conditions: Hébergement: Tu peux choisir entre te loger dans un hébergement offert ou chercher un hébergement toi-même. Si tu vas prendre l’hébergement offert, il est dans une chambre dedans l ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial (Por mês):
1323 - 1323 EUR (Gross pay)

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Applying for a job and scheduling a job interview as a jobseeker
Registration for Jobseekers