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European Online Job Day Sofia 2019

A data do evento:
17 Setembro 2019
Tipo de evento:
Em linha / Presencial
Local do evento:
Ramada by Wyndham Sofia City Center Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria
Estado do registo:

190 empregos disponíveis para este evento

Disponível para o seguinte evento:

You like to combine different functions in the kitchen- setting up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment, preparing ingredients to use in cooking, ensure great presentation by dressing dishes before they are serve. You like the cleanliness and tidiness of the workplace, as well as keeping track of the results of your work, then we look forward to seeing you in our professional team.

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

We are looking for a customer-oriented Application Maintenance Services Leader for Supply Chain area with analytical mind set to join our team in Coca-Cola Hellenic Business Solutions & Systems, IT Group Function (BSS). Tech savvy to innovate? ABOUT YOUR NEW JOB As an Application Maintenance Services Leader for Supply Chain area you will be responsible for ensuring all business teams have a seamless customer experience and service excellence in problem management, provided by external vendors. As single point of contact for the Business Solutions and Systems Product support in the area of ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Сайтел е световен лидер в аутсорсинг иновациите за удовлетворяване нуждите и желанията на клиентите, тъй като качествената грижа за клиента е неин основен двигател. С над 35 годишен опит в тази индустрия, Сайтел обслужва повече от 400 клиента в над 62 държави, предоставя услуги на 48 езика и разчита на 75 100 ангажирани и талантливи служители от 146 центъра за обслужване на клиенти, стратегически разположени в 22 страни. Омръзна ли Ви да четете обяви с изисквания за чужди езици? За първи път Ви даваме възможността да кандидатствате без владеене на такъв. Ние ще заплатим курса Ви по НЕМСКИ език ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Du sprichst Deutsch und suchst nach einem Job? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Denn wir haben spannende Jobs mit Deustch zu vergeben. Wenn Du gerne mit Menschen zu tun hast, ein nettes Team und eine tolle Arbeitsatmosphäre suchst, wenn Flexabilität, so wohl als auch Sicherheit für dich wichtig sind, dann bewirb dich bei uns! Sitel ist ein führender globaler Outsourcing-Anbieter im Bereich Customer Experience und betreut heute mehr als 400 Kunden weltweit in 48 Sprachen in 150 Contact Centern in 24 Ländern. Wir kooperieren mit einigen der renommiertesten Marken der Welt und unterstützt ...

Proposto por:
País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

As a leading organization in the field of non-bank financial services with more than 14 years of experience, our goal is to become one of the fastest growing financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe. We develop innovative business models through strategic market planning derived from over 14 years of financial expertise. Under the direction of the CEO the Assistant caters activities related to the business correspondence, tasks management, research and optimization. In the induction and initial training period the role will be mainly focused on administrative support to the ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Търсим кандидати за позицията дърводелец/мебелист, които да могат да изработват и монтират мебели и обзавеждане от ПДЧ, МДФ и масив. Вашите задължения: - работа по технически чертежи и схеми - подготовка и настройка на машини и инструменти за производство на дървесина - избор и настройка на подходящи инструменти за рязане, фрезоване, пробиване и шлифоване на готовата продукция Необходими са познания за работа с мебелни плоскости, оразмеряване, разкрой, монтаж и работа в екип!

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

As a leading organization in the field of non-bank financial services with more than 14 years of experience, our goal is to become one of the fastest growing financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe. We develop innovative business models through strategic market planning derived from over 14 years of financial expertise. Under the direction of the CEO the Assistant caters activities related to the business correspondence, tasks management, research and optimization. In the induction and initial training period the role will be mainly focused on administrative support to the ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

Für unser vielversprechendstes Projekt suchen wir begeisterte und proaktive Kundensupport-Experten mit Deutschkenntnissen, die unsere Verkaufsabteilung in Sofia unterstützen. Die neue Möglichkeit liegt im boomenden Fintech-Bereich, auf dem Gebiet der Peer-to-Peer-Investments. Unser Projekt umfasst Social Lending und Crowdfunding über eine technologische Plattform, die unser Denken über das Finanzwesen in Europa revolutioniert. Verantwortungsbereich: ● Beratung und Betreuung von Kunden über den Zweck und die Merkmale der Plattform, zur Kundengewinnung und Kundenbindung; ● Verwaltung von ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided
Disponível para o seguinte evento:

For our most promising new project, we are looking for English Speaking Customer Support Expert. The new opportunity is in the booming fintech sector, in the peer to peer investments domain. Our project incorporates social lending and crowdfunding via technological platform that is revolutionizing the way we think about finance in Europe. We are looking for an enthusiastic and proactive English Speaking Customer Support Expert to join our Sofia sales department. Responsibilities: • Consulting and advising clients about the purpose and the features of the platform in order to secure new ...

País do local de trabalho:
Intervalo salarial:
Not provided