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Datum gebeurtenis:
03 - 04 oktober 2013
Type evenement:
Online / Onsite

Over dit evenement

Over 50 000 visitors and 500 businesses are expected to attend the 11th edition of "Paris pour l’emploi" on 3-4 October, arguably the most successful recruitment fair in France. A major part of this fair, the “European Job Days Paris”, will take place both onsite in Paris and, for the first time, online from wherever you are by logging on to the event website at

Spearheaded by Pôle emploi and the French EURES network, the event will take place on Paris' Place de la Concorde, within the “Europe and international village” - the part dedicated to European and international jobs. Online and onsite visitors will be able to discover opportunities for job mobility throughout Europe and beyond.

Presentations from the onsite event will be streamed live and online visitors will be able to ask their questions to a moderator. Moreover, online interviews with employers and EURES advisers will be organised. Make sure you apply for jobs ahead of the event to get a chance to be pre-selected for an interview!

If you are an employer, this event is a great opportunity for you to meet qualified candidates from France and throughout Europe. We provide a one-stop shop for all your recruitment needs in coordination with the EURES network (900 advisors in 31 countries). Our services include identifying candidates’ profiles against job descriptions, short-listing candidates, advertising your vacancies, legal advice, and European and international exchange programmes. 

The full website of the European Job Days Paris will be live soon with more information about the programme and the registration procedure. So stay tuned!

We look forward to welcoming you to the European Job Days Paris!




European Job Days - Paris is open for registration

We are happy to announce that the European Job Days Paris is open for registration now!