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02 Dicembre 2021 - EURES Italy - Employers' Day 2021 [2 Dicembre 2021] Auditorium #1
Questa sessione è terminata, ma puoi ancora vedere l’agenda qui sotto.
Catia Mastracci, National Coordinator-EURES ITALY,
Serafino Perri, EURES Adviser
Germana Monaldi, NCO EURES Italy
Stefania Garofalo, EURES Adviser
Employment contracts and hiring incentives in Italy: a brief overview of the main labour contracts and recruitment incentives applied in Italy. The presentation will be held in Italian
Lorenzo Cello, Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce
MobiliseSME - Mobility Exchange programme for SME staff
MobiliseSME is a programme initiated by the EU (EURES, EASI). It aims to help develop the skills and capacities of company staff (employees, managers and owners or co-owners) by supporting short-term cross-border secondments.
Building on the success of the pilot scheme "MobiliseSME" implemented between 2015 and 2017, this programme aims to support people already employed who wish to experience cross-border mobility in another company for a limited period of time, while maintaining the contractual link with their employer.
Alessia Vetere, EURES Adviser - Michele Berti, EURES Adviser - Matteo Feruglio, Rete INFODESK
The 30' live streaming will briefly show the Cross Border composition, aims and available services for frontier Jobseekers and Employers, giving the floor to 3 representatives for the Organisations involved: PES, Trade Unions/Patronages, Associations of Employers.
Alessia VETERE (Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, LP + EA): brief projects' introduction + general objectives + one-stop-shop portal
Michele BERTI (EA UIL FVG)TRADE UNIONS and PATRONAGES: definition of frontier worker + obstacles + InfoDesks network
Matteo FERUGLIO (SDGZ/URES) representing the ASSOCIATIONS OF EMPLOYERS - : InfoDesks network for CB employers + specific support to CB employers (e.g. posted workers, health and safety,...) + recruitment services offered thorugh the one-stop-shop portal
Massimo Avantaggiato -EYE local contact point ,Italy
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps provide aspiring European entrepreneurs with the skills necessary to start and/or successfully run a small business in Europe. New entrepreneurs gather and exchange knowledge and business ideas with an experienced entrepreneur, with whom they stay and collaborate for a period of 1 to 6 months. The stay is financed by the European Commission
Bernadette Greco
Lucilla Ricci
Anna Bongiovanni
Massimiliano Melis
Stefania Garofalo