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Data dell’evento:
10 Ottobre 2019
Tipo di evento:
Online / In loco
Luogo dell’evento:
UMELKA Gallery, Dostojevskeho rad 4533/2, Bratislava, Slovakia
Stato di registrazione:

142 impieghi disponibili per questo evento

Disponibile per l’evento:

Popis pracovného miesta Hľadáme CNC frézarov, sústružníkov do Holandska na niekoľko rôznych pozícií pre firmy, s ktorými dlhodobo spolupracujeme: Nové miesta pre sústružníkov aj frézarov s programovaním preferovane v Okume alebo Fanuc. Presná práca, väčšie série. Znalosť výkresovej dokumentácie a Anglického jazyka je nutnosť. Skúsenosť z materiálmi Duplex, Super Duplex, Incotel alebo Titánium je výhodou. Práca je dlhodobá v nadnárodnej firme. Nástup ihneď. ISO programátorov na sústruhy OKUMA, okolie Breda. Programátorov na sústruh Siemens Sinumeric z grafickou nadstavbou Shopturn. Nástup hneď ...

Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Ponúkame stabilnú dlhodobú prácu dvom CNC programátorom (ISO kód) na sústruhy Okuma do Holandska (okolie Breda). Vyrábajú sa ventily a komponenty pre strojársky priemysel, pracuje sa s rôznymi materiálmi (Duplex, Super duplex, rôzne druhy zlatin ocele, titán, nikel, Inconel). Znalosť výkresovej dokumentácie a anglického jazyka je nutnosť. Štandardne sa pracuje na jednej zmene, v prípade zmeny pracovného času po dohode s firmou vyplácame zmenové príplatky. Požiadavky: Anglický jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) alebo Holandský jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) vodičský preukaz B 2 roky praxe ...

Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Ponúkame prácu montérom sprinkler systémov na nové projekty do Holandska - projekty v okolí Amsterdamu, Rotterdamu, Zwolle. Projekty sú rôzne, sú to administratívne budovy, podzemné garáže, priemyselné haly - všetko je dlhodobá práca. Požiadavky: podmienkou je mať platný VCA alebo SCC bezpečnostný certifikát (možné spraviť na SK, CZ alebo aj v NL) a prax v odbore 3 roky anglický jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) alebo Nemecký jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) alebo Holandský jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) vodičský preukaz B Zamestnávateľ ponúka: Práca na zmluvu: - 520 Eur netto týždenne (v prípade, že ...

Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Ponúkame dlhodobú prácu pre TIG zvárača, ktorý je schopný samostatne podľa výkresu poskladať jednoduché výrobky väčšinou z tenkého nerezového plechu a pozvárať ich. Väčšinou sa jedná o špeciálne boxy pre elektroinštalácie, tiež pre potravinársky priemysel. Nutné je vedieť sa dohovoriť v anglickom jazyku, lepšie ako základnou angličtinou. Základný pracovný čas je 173 hodín mesačne, príležitostne aj do 230 hodín mesačne. Lokalita - okolie Doetinchem. Požiadavky: Anglický jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) alebo Nemecký jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) alebo Holandský jazyk - Mierne pokročilý (B1) ...

Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Duties: Packing, labeling, work on production line Setting up machines to start a production cycle Operate food processing equipment Perform clean-up duties Complete food production orders Adhere to food safety and partner safety policies and practices Work both individually & as a team member Specific Skills/Knowledge • Availability for at least six months (the longer the better) • Experience in a similar position will be an advantage • Ability to work in a cold environment (+6 degrees) • Flexibility • Willingness to cycle a bike to work What we offer: • Weekly payment • Salary, +21 years ...

Offerto da:
Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Employees have to plant, crop, prune and care for ivy, receiving and preparing orders for potted plants. Check the movie if you want to know more details about this work: What we offer: • Weekly payment • Salary, +21 years: hourly wage € 9,94 • 38-45 hours a week • Long-term cooperation • Free transport to work +10km • Free bicycle provided • Good housing according to SNF standards • Health Insurance (including collective discount) • The possibility to participate in a free Dutch language course Specific Skills/Knowledge: • Availability for at ...

Offerto da:
Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Employees have to clean, process, sort, pack flower bulbs. Also, screen if the quality is good, put bulbs in a pot. Specific Skills/Knowledge: • Availability for at least 3 months to 6 months (the longer the better) • Ambitious and motivated people • Experience in a similar position will be an advantage • Willingness to cycle a bike to work What we offer: • Weekly payment • Salary, +21 years: hourly wage € 9,94 • 38-45 hours a week • Long-term cooperation • Free transport to work +10km • Free bicycle provided • Good housing according to SNF standards • Health Insurance (including collective ...

Offerto da:
Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

As a manual shoemaker you become responsible for producing orthopedic shoes. This can be the complete operation or a number of sub-operations such as, In the mounting department: Mounting the insoles and reinforcement The making of the hielcap Mounting the upper on the last Mounting the lining, hielcap and nose reinforcment Closing the leather In the finishing department: Mounting of welt's and protection welt's Mounting of the heel and sole constuction fine sanding and modeling finishing of the shoe's Where producing made to measure orthopedic shoe's. Each pair is unique and even left and ...

Offerto da:
Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

applications: As a mechanic of heat pumps you will work on the field. Together with a group of mechanics you will be in charge of installing and releasing the heating system. If you experience (2 years) in installing air conditioning you can apply for this job. What we offer: Organized accommodation Depending on experience and knowledge salary will be between € 2.440 bruto and €2.682 for 40 hours / weekly + 8% as annual allowance 25 days of vacation Work- and footwear

Offerto da:
Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided
Disponibile per l’evento:

Vacancy Our D2P-engineer (architectural and socio-spatial planning specializations) Our D2P-engineers are certified architects and/or structural engineers tha t work in 3Dconcrete printing during the Design and Engineering phases of the Construction process. This includes among others creating integral designs, evaluating the designs on printability, set structural principles, run testings and create prototypes, improve tech and ensure compliance with construction and safety codes. Within this area 3DCP and parametric design is scaling up, therefore architectural and socio spatial planning ...

Offerto da:
Paese del luogo di lavoro:
Fascia salariale:
Not provided