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Esemény dátuma:
26 szeptember 2019
Regisztrációs státusz:

13 állás érhető el ezen az eseményen

Jobs recorded for this event: 154

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

We see you suceed on the position when you have: Excellent communication and customer service skills; At least 1 year experience in customer service field; Fluent Latvian and good Russian and English language skills; Good PC skills (Microsoft Office environment). Your work duties would be: Handling incoming calls and e-mails; Advise clients (includind cross-sales and insurance renewals); Prepare insurance offers. ERGO offers: Modern and comfortable work environment; Internal trainings regarding work duties; Health insurance and additional holidays; Parking place near the office; Fixed term job ...

  • English
  • Good
  • Latvian
  • Fluent
  • Russian
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

We’re now hiring! Transcom is a global customer experience specialist, providing customer care, sales, technical support and credit management services through our extensive network of contact centers. We are the voice of our clients. Equipped with intelligent technology, we are a global network of local specialists, ambitious about making things work. We continuously evolve to be one step ahead, anticipating the newest technology and trends to create a new way to customer experience. From reactive trouble-shooting to active solution finding. It's what we call smarter people experiences. We ...

  • English
  • Very good
  • Polish
  • Fluent
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

We’re now hiring! Transcom is a global customer experience specialist, providing customer care, sales, technical support and credit management services through our extensive network of contact centers. We are the voice of our clients. Equipped with intelligent technology, we are a global network of local specialists, ambitious about making things work. We continuously evolve to be one step ahead, anticipating the newest technology and trends to create a new way to customer experience. From reactive trouble-shooting to active solution finding. It's what we call smarter people experiences. We ...

  • Danish
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Very good
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

We’re now hiring! Transcom is a global customer experience specialist, providing customer care, sales, technical support and credit management services through our extensive network of contact centers. We are the voice of our clients. Equipped with intelligent technology, we are a global network of local specialists, ambitious about making things work. We continuously evolve to be one step ahead, anticipating the newest technology and trends to create a new way to customer experience. From reactive trouble-shooting to active solution finding. It's what we call smarter people experiences. We ...

  • English
  • Very good
  • Finnish
  • Fluent
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

We’re now hiring! Transcom is a global customer experience specialist, providing customer care, sales, technical support and credit management services through our extensive network of contact centers. We are the voice of our clients. Equipped with intelligent technology, we are a global network of local specialists, ambitious about making things work. We continuously evolve to be one step ahead, anticipating the newest technology and trends to create a new way to customer experience. From reactive trouble-shooting to active solution finding. It's what we call smarter people experiences. We ...

  • English
  • Very good
  • Norwegian
  • Fluent
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

We’re now hiring! Transcom is a global customer experience specialist, providing customer care, sales, technical support and credit management services through our extensive network of contact centers. We are the voice of our clients. Equipped with intelligent technology, we are a global network of local specialists, ambitious about making things work. We continuously evolve to be one step ahead, anticipating the newest technology and trends to create a new way to customer experience. From reactive trouble-shooting to active solution finding. It's what we call smarter people experiences. We ...

  • English
  • Very good
  • Swedish
  • Fluent
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

Mēs Transcom esam pārliecināti, ka kreativitāte un uz patīkamas un individualizētas attieksmes balstīta komunikācija ir stūrakmeņi tam, lai veidotu veiksmīgu klientu apkalpošanas komandu. Šobrīd mēs meklējam jaunus talantus. Vai Tu vēlētos pievienoties mums un būt daļa no mūsu komandas, kurā valda draudzīga atmosfēra un ir lieliskas izaugsmes iespējas? Ja tā, tad Tev noteikti vajadzētu pieteikties. Par darbu - sniedz pasaules klases klientu apkalpošanas pieredzi! Kā klientu apkalpošanas speciālists Tu palīdzēsi klientiem - sniegsi viņiem informāciju par produktiem un pakalpojumiem, kā arī ...

  • Latvian
  • Basic
  • Russian
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

Ikea savā komandā aicina - Preču komplektētajus Darba slodze: pilnas slodzes darbs Darba pienākumi: - Ātri, precīzi un droši komplektēt preces, saskaņā ar klinta pasūtījumu; - Veikt preču pārvietošanu, atbilstoši saņemtajām norādēm; - Pārzināt preču sortimentu un izvietojamu noliktavā; -Strādāt ar noliktavas tehniku. Prasības kandidātiem: - Pieredze darbā noliktavā un preču komplektēšanā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību; - Ātrums, precizitāte un vēlme strādāt komandā; - Lieliskas komunikācijas prasmes; Mēs piedāvājam: Konkurētspejīgu atalgojumu (stundas tarifa likme EUR 5, 40 pirms nodokļu ...

  • Latvian
  • Very good
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

Zviedrijas pārtikas preču veikala darbinieks/-ce Darbs maiņās, darba grafiks elastīgs; Darba pienākumi: 1.apkalpot klientus Zviedrijas pārtikas preču veikalā pie kases, veikt skaidras un bezskaidras naudas norēķinus. ; 2.kontrolēt un papildināt preču klāstu Zviedrijas pārtikas preču veikalā; 4.uzraudzīt veikala tīrību un kārtību; 5.nodrošināt klientu apkalpošanu izcilā līmenī. Prasības kandidātiem; 1.vēlama pieredze pārdeveja/-as vai arī kasiera/-es darbā; 2.lieliskas komunikācijas prasmes, uz klientu orientēta pieeja darbam; 3.izpratne par pārtikas drošības pamatprincipiem; 4.iespēja strādāt ...

  • Latvian
  • Fluent
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

Aicinām Ikea Latvija komandā un piedāvājam darbu Bistro darbiniekam/-cei Darbs maiņās, darba grafiks elastīgs; Darba pienākumi: 1.apkalpot klientus bistro; 2.pagatavot un pasniegt bistro klientiem uzkodas; 3.uzraudzīt bistro tīrību un kārtību; 5.nodrošināt klientu apkalpošanu izcilā līmenī. Prasības kandidātiem; 1.lieliskas komunikācijas prasmes, uz klientu orientēta pieeja darbam; 2.izpratne par pārtikas drošības pamatprincipiem; 3.iespēja strādāt maiņu darbu ( arī nedēļas nogalēs un brīvdienās, atbilstoši darba grafikam). Mēs piedāvājam: 1.konkurētspējīgu, stabilu atalgojumu un sociālās ...

Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided