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Ihren Beruf als Bäckermeister m/w/d auf See auszuführen und dabei spannenden Länder und Destinationen zu entdecken, muss kein Traum bleiben! Bringen Sie Ihr Talent und Ihre Erfahrung in der täglichen Produktion von knusprigen Brötchen und Backwaren, köstlichen Paninis und sündhaft leckeren Törtchen in die Backstube an Bord mit ein und leiten Sie erfolgreich Ihr kleines internationales Team von 7-10 Bäckern und Bäckergesellen m/w/d. Sie bekommen dafür an Bord hochwertige Zutaten in einer modernen Backstube geboten und können noch echte Handwerkskunst tagtäglich bereitstellen. Dafür bekommen Sie ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
2500 - 2700 EUR (Net pay)
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Für ein modernes 4* Hotel in Hamburg suchen wir ab sofort einen erfahrenen Chef de Partie/ Postenkoch m/w/d. Das Hotel befindet sich am Rande des idyllischen Naturschutzgebietes Heuckenlock. Das Hotel verfügt über 150 Zimmer, einen Bar- und Restaurantbereich, sowie eine Sauna und einen Fitnessraum. Für Tagungen und Veranstaltungen stehen 12 Konferenzräume auf einer Gesamtfläche von 678 Quadratmetern zur Nutzung. Als Mitarbeiter*in bekommen Sie vom Unternehmen folgendes geboten: * Sonn- und Feiertagszuschläge * Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag * 30 Urlaubstage & eine 38-Stunden-Woche * Rabatte auf ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
2000 - 2600 EUR (Gross pay)
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Kalimera - Willkommen zum Auslandsjahr in Griechenland Ob auf einer Insel oder in Athen - Remotes Arbeiten bei attraktiven Unternehmen Deine Ausbildung oder Studium ist fast geschafft - und jetzt bist Du bereit erst einmal ins Ausland zu reisen, bevor es in Deiner Karriere so richtig los geht?! Nutze Deine Zeit sinnvoll und bringe Deine Kommunikationskenntnisse in einen Job mit ein, in welchem Du täglich mit deutschsprachigen Anfragen im Kundenservice renommierter Unternehmen arbeitest. Und dass an einem Ort Deiner Wahl in Griechenland! Warum solltest Du Griechenland für Dein Auslandsjahr ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1300 - 1300 EUR (Gross pay)
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About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet are a technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)
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About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet are a technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)
Elérhető a következő rendezvényen:

About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet area technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)
Elérhető a következő rendezvényen:

About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet are a technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)
Elérhető a következő rendezvényen:

About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet are a technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)
Elérhető a következő rendezvényen:

About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet are a technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)
Elérhető a következő rendezvényen:

About Us: The payments market is the most exciting technology market in the world today for good reason. McKinsey values it globally at over $2 trillion and it’s growing between 13-15% year-on-year. Some of the largest most dynamic brands are investing in this sector; Apple has ApplePay, Google has GooglePay, Amazon has AmazonPay, and it’s not just the Silicon Valley brands. Tencent owns WeChatPay, Alibaba owns Alipay and digital disruptors like Square, Stripe and Adyen all invest millions to grow the payments market. Planet are a technology company that’s transforming payments by putting the ...

Munkahely országa:
Fizetési tartomány (Yearly):
Not provided (Gross pay)

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