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Esemény dátuma:
12 május 2022
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GLOBAL HR REPORTING & ANALYTICS SPECIALIST, HR, LYNGBY Do you want to rethink your impact, and are you passionate about working with data, reporting and analytics? Then you might be our new Global HR Reporting & Analytics Specialist in People & Organization What if you could work for a cause, not just a company? Novozymes is the global market leader in biological solutions. We help build better lives. Together with our customers, partners and the global community, we use our innovative thinking and passion for science to boost industries and make everyday products more sustainable for the good ...

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ACCOUNT MANAGER, BIOENERGY & GRAIN PROCESSING EUROPE Do you want to rethink your impact, and are you passionate about expanding B2B commercial relationships through delivering superior value to your customers? Then you might be our new Account Manager. What if you could work for a cause, not just a company? Novozymes is the global market leader in biological solutions. We help build better lives. Together with our customers, partners and the global community, we use our innovative thinking and passion for science to boost industries and make everyday products more sustainable for the good of ...

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REGIONAL MARKET INSIGHT MANAGER, CUSTOMER CO-CREATION, LYNGBY Do you want to rethink your impact, and are you passionate about consumer insights and market research? Then you might be our new Regional Market Insight Manager. What if you could work for a cause, not just a company? Novozymes is the global market leader in biological solutions. We help build better lives. Together with our customers, partners and the global community, we use our innovative thinking and passion for science to boost industries and make everyday products more sustainable for the good of the planet. As the world’s ...

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Perspektive. Du bringst neben allen Grundeigenschaften wie Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, technische Grundfertigkeiten und Lernbereitschaft mit. Qualifikation. Ausbildung als Zimmerer Berufserfahrung wünschenswert Handwerkliches Geschick Gutes Deutsch in Wort & Schrift Führerschein B und PKW vorteilhaft Verantwortung. Fertigung von Bauwerkteilen & ganzen Bauwerken aus Holz. Restaurieren, sanieren, modernisieren von Holzkonstruktionen. Manuelle und maschinelle Bearbeitung im Werk & am Bau. Das monatliche Gehalt beträgt mind. € 2448,62 brutto (ohne Zulagen ...

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Perspektive. Du bringst neben allen Grundeigenschaften wie Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, technische Grundfertigkeiten und Lernbereitschaft mit. Qualifikation. Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als KFZ-/LKW-Spengler Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung Selbstständiges Arbeiten Deutsch in Wort & Schrift Führerschein B notwendig Verantwortung. Bearbeitung & Reparatur von Blech- bzw. Karosserieteilen. Reparatur von Unfallschäden. Oberflächenbehandlung & Vorbereitung für Lackierarbeiten. Das monatliche Gehalt beträgt mind. € 2372,19 brutto (ohne Zulagen/Spesen) auf Vollzeitbasis ...

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Co na vás čeká? příprava snídaní, obědů a večeří pro hotelové hosty příležitost aktivně se podílet na banketech, recepcích nebo podobných kulinářských akcích špičkové úrovně práce v moderním a čistém prostředí pravidelné proškolování a další možnost postupu dodržování hygienických norem příjemný kolektiv stabilní zaměstnání a významný zaměstnavatel Mzda podle ZP pravidelné zvyšování mzdy zakotvené v Kolektivní smlouvě slaďování rodinného života s pracovním (7,5 h pracovní doba) Co na oplátku požadujeme my? vyučení nebo praxi v oboru (absolventy zaučíme, začínáte na jednodušších pozicích) ...

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LEGAL COMPLIANCE MANAGER, LEGAL, BAGSVÆRD Do you want to rethink your impact, and are you passionate about business ethics and legal compliance? Then you might be our new Legal Compliance manager. What if you could work for a cause, not just a company? Novozymes is the global market leader in biological solutions. We help build better lives. Together with our customers, partners and the global community, we use our innovative thinking and passion for science to boost industries and make everyday products more sustainable for the good of the planet. As the world’s leading provider of industrial ...

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Tasks: • Picking raspberries. • The work is in a standing position outside under the foil pavilions. It is necessary to handle the fruit very carefully during work, to avoid damaging it Qualifications: • Candidate has to be motivated to deliver good work; • Working experience in the field is not required • Being able to work independently is an advantage; • In connection with the work, the candidate must be in good physical condition and willing to work in varying weather conditions; • The candidate likes working in a team, outside and is willing to work flexible hours; • Candidate is willing ...

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CHIEF INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER, IT, LYNGBY Do you want to rethink your impact, and are you passionate about Information & Cyber Security? Then you might be our new CISO, Chief Information Security Officer. What if you could work for a cause, not just a company? Novozymes is the global market leader in biological solutions. We help build better lives. Together with our customers, partners and the global community, we use our innovative thinking and passion for science to boost industries and make everyday products more sustainable for the good of the planet. As the world’s leading provider ...

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As a tentbuilder you work in a team of 4-6 people. Your workplace is in the open air where the constructions are build up. After the event you return for the dismantling of the constructions. You will work together with experienced collegues and you will mainly learn-by-doing. You work at the most spectaculair places like festivals, concerts, fairs, the Dutch Grand Prix etc. When you finish, a great event-for-thousands can take place. And after that? You return for the dismantling of the constructions. You will work together with experienced collegues and you will mainly learn-by-doing. The ...

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