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Celebrating 30 years of EURES

Watch a video from the EC President Ursula Von der Leyen

The European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen joined us in celebrating 30 years of EURES with a special speech. In this inspiring address, at the EURES European Online Job Day (EOJD) event Today’s dream, tomorrow’s reality, 22/10/2024, President Von der Leyen highlighted the incredible journey of EURES and its impact on the lives of countless European citizens.

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What employers say about us

We got 100 applications >> 20 appointments >> 2 further interviews & we would hope to hire those 2 people. Now that I know what to expect, I will send two employees next year.

od Castle Collection / Castle Hotel od Ireland

This year we have noticed bigger interest and number of candidates, what we understand as results of more and efficient work from your side and we get more support and engagement [...] - thank you! Also, it is visible that EURES established itself as a right place to find work abroad.

od International Animation Club od Croatia

Thank you for the new European Online Job Day Make it in Germany. We have found 3 suitable candidates which is really good.

od backup jobs agency s.r.o od Germany

Europski Dani Poslova u brojkama od 2013.

Događanja ukupno
3 657
Poslodavci koji sudjeluju
20 026
Registrirani tražitelji posla
19 029
Objavljene ponude za posao
60 658
Ukupan broj prijava za posao

Što su zapravo Europski Dani Poslova?

Tražite li radnike ili posao u Europi?

Tada su Europski Dani Poslova upravo ono što vam treba! Riječ je o dinamičnim događajima posvećenima zapošljavanju na kojima se susreću osobe koje traže posao i poslodavci. Tražitelji posla tu mogu pronaći ne samo prilike za zapošljavanje, već i praktične informacije i savjete EURES-ovih savjetnika i drugih stručnjaka za zapošljavanje. Poslodavci će dobiti besplatan i izravan pristup velikom broju osoba iz cijele Europe koje traže posao izvan svoje zemlje.

Trebate li pomoć?

Odaberite vrstu svojeg računa i zatražite pomoć našeg tima za korisničku podršku.