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Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Die Schwerpunkte meiner Praxis liegen in der ästhetischen Zahnheilkunde, Prophylaxe, Prothetik, Parodontologie und Kiefergelenk-Diagnostik. Mein kleines kompetentes Team im Ärztehaus am Oberbilker Markt besteht aus modernen aufgeschlossenen Mitarbeitern, die den Patienten kompromisslos helfen und Sie liebevoll betreuen. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt Assistenzzahnärzte (w/m/d) und Assistenzzahnärzte im Anerkennungsverfahren für unsere Standorte in Düsseldorf und Korschenbroich Gerne nehmen wir auch Bewerbungen von Assistenzzahnärzten im ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • German
  • Basic
  • Turkish
  • Good
  • Greek
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Advance your career in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment in Norway—one of the countries with the best nurse-to-patient ratio in the world. At Ecura Care, we collaborate with municipalities across Norway, primarily offering assignments in primary health care. Additionally, we have agreements with hospitals. 📩 Contact us: 📷 Follow us on Instagram: @ecuracare_es

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • Norwegian
  • Very good
Raspon plaće (Hourly):
275 - 323 NOK (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

We are looking for graduates and resident doctors for the most wanted specialties in lots of cities all over Germany. Benefit from our UNIQUE package: - holders of an EU-diploma will be financially supported in a generous way (for holders of a Non-EU-diploma, we have a special program) - no language certificate required (but fair knowledge of German) to start the process of applying for the licence (Approbation) - we can shorten the procedure of getting Approbation by ~ 3 month - we help to get Approbation - we support by oganising trips and interviews, reviewing labour contract, finding ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • German
  • Fair
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
5000 - 7000 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

We are looking for specialist doctors for ALL specialties in lots of cities all over Germany. Take profit of our UNIQUE package: - holders of an EU-diploma will be financially supported in a generous way - no language certificate required (but good knowledge of German) to start applying for licence (Approbation) - we can shorten the procedure of getting Approbation by ~ 3 month - support by oganising trips and interviews, reviewing labour contract, finding accommodation, handling daily life in Germany, contact with authorities etc. OUR SERVICE IS FOR FREE Contact us to discuss details.

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • German
  • Fair
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
8000 - 15000 EUR (Gross pay)

Pogledajte upute za tražitelje posla

Registration for Jobseekers
Applying for a job and scheduling a job interview as a jobseeker