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SE Systems are currently seeking a Junior Project Manager in our Cork office. This is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated individual with great scope for career advancement within the company. This is a fully office-based role. Role Description: • Support Project Managers in all technical activities during the design, works and administration stages • Liaise with clients on expectations and provide project updates •Coordinate and liaise with subcontractors and home owners on site •Working as part of a wider team offering support to colleagues and clients •Assist with all ...

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Baumit Spa, sede di San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), per sviluppo del settore Tecnico, cerca una figura dedicata all’Assistenza e consulenza Tecnica prodotto. La gestione della qualità e della tutela ambientale è saldamente ancorata da decenni al modello imprenditoriale di Baumit e conseguentemente viene applicata in modo uniforme in tutti gli stabilimenti del gruppo. I principi di corporate governance sono orientati a obiettivi economici e ambientali. L’attenzione previdente e sostenibile delle risorse, la minimizzazione dell’energia e delle emissioni come pure l’ottimizzazione dell’impiego ...

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
30000 - 38000 EUR (Gross pay)
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SIA SMARTLYNX AIRLINES Biznesa partneris Tehniskajā departamentā (Technical Business Partner) Pienākumi: Apdrošināšanas gadījumu kontrole tehniskajam departamentam. Nodrošināt savlaicīgu un precīzu apdrošināšanas incidentu dokumentēšanu un ziņošanu. Sadarbība ar apdrošinānātājiem, lai apstrādātu prasības un nodrošinātu kompensācijas. Risināt garantijas lietas, kas saistītas ar tehniskajiem pakalpojumiem un aprīkojumu. Sazināties ar piegādātājiem un ražotājiem, lai apstrādātu garantijas prasības. Nodrošināt maksimālu izmaksu atgūšanu, izmantojot efektīvu garantijas pārvaldību. Noliktavas ...

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
2500 - 3000 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

SIA SMARTLYNX AIRLINES VECĀKAIS PROJEKTU KOORDINATORS TRANSPORTA JOMĀ (SENIOR BASE MAINTENANCE PROJECT COORDINATOR) PIENĀKUMI: Koordinēt flotes bāzes apkopes darbības, nodrošināt saskaņotos izpildes laikus un izmaksas saskaņā ar komerciāli apstiprinātajiem līgumiem; Nodrošināt, ka aviokompānijas flote ir iepriekš apstiprinājusi bāzes apkopes laika nišas, lai maksimāli palielinātu vēlamo MRO pieejamību; Jūs nodrošināsiet, ka visi RFP tiek nosūtīti savlaicīgi un palielināsiet aviokompāniju apjomu, lai samazinātu izmaksas un uzlabotu gaisa kuģa uzticamību un kvalitāti; Veikt plānveida bāzes ...

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1600 - 1700 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Meklējam gudru, aizrautīgu elektroenerģijas biržas operāciju veicēju ar mīlestību pret matemātiku. UZDEVUMI: Reaģēt uz tirgus cenu svārstībām un tendencēm enerģijas tirgū Pieņemt lēmumus (datos balstītus lēmumus) par pozīciju iegādi un pārdošanu Izpētīt likumsakarības un dažādu valstu enerģijas tirgu paternus Atrast piemērotāko stratēģiju, lai sekmīgi gan atvērtu, gan aizvērtu pozīcijas Veikt aprēķinus pozīciju iegādei un pārdošanai, pamatojoties uz datiem Komunicēt un sadarboties ar pārējo treidinga komandu un datu analītiķiem, programmētājiem

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
2000 - 2800 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale, con sede a Bergamo e Milano, che opera in settori quali edilizia residenziale, impianti oil&gas / chimici / petrolchimici, energia, infrastrutture, ed opere civili] è alla ricerca di candidati da inserire in ambito presentazione pratiche comunali, preventivazione costi e contabilità dei lavori, rilievi e tracciamenti, stato avanzamento lavori, redazioni POS e Piani di Sicurezza, allestimento ed organizzazione del cantiere, gestione contratti. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [A service company specialized in civil ...

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
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C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale) è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di BIM Specialist / BIM Operator, con mansione di Progettista / Modellatore 3D / Disegnatore cad, di opere in carpenteria metallica. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Service company specialising in civil and structural engineering) is looking for candidates for the position of BIM Specialist / BIM Operator, with the role of 3D Designer / Modeller / CAD Designer, of metal carpentry works.

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale) è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di Ingegnere strutturista. La risorsa si occuperà di progettazione strutturale di strutture in acciaio e/o in cemento armato, in ambito impianti industriali Oil & gas. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Service company specialising in civil and structural engineering) is looking for candidates for the position of Structural Engineer. The resource will deal with the structural design of steel and/or reinforced concrete structures, in the field of industrial Oil & Gas ...

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale] è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di Disegnatore CAD/BIM di opere in carpenteria metallica e cemento armato. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [Service company specialising in civil and structural engineering] is looking for candidates for the position of CAD/BIM Draftsman of metal carpentry and reinforced concrete works.

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Als Qualitätsingenieur:in sind Sie am liebsten direkt in der Produktion, um Prozesse und Vorgehensweisen zu analysieren? Sie möchten maßgeblichen Einfluss darauf haben, ein Produkt besser zu machen? Wenn Sie dann noch einen modernen, gesunden Arbeitgeber mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen suchen, sollten wir miteinander sprechen. Bei unserem Kunden bietet sich eine verantwortungsvolle Position in der Qualitätssicherung. Die Medizinprodukte unseres Kunden (Endoprothesen) ermöglichen Menschen nach einer schweren Erkrankung wieder am Leben teilzuhaben. In dieser neu geschaffenen Position erwartet Sie ...

Zemlja rada:
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
56000 - 66000 EUR (Gross pay)

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