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New Career in Hungary

Datum događanja:
20 studenog 2018
Vrsta događanja:
Na internetu
Status registracije:

601 poslovi dostupni za ovo događanje

Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Feladatok: ICT, FCT, AOI tesztek, tesztelők felügyelete, zavartalan működésének támogatása, problémamegoldás a tesztmérnökökkel együttműködve. Elvárásaink: műszaki, elektronikai területen szerzett középfokú végzettség, műszaki rajz ismeret, mérőműszerek és méréstechnika ismeret, alapszintű angol nyelvtudás, technikusi munkakörben szerezett tapasztalat. Előny: angol nyelv ismerete. Munkarend: a munkavégzés adott területtől függően 3 műszakban, vagy folyamatos műszakban történik. Amit kínálunk: Versenyképes jövedelem Utiköltség támogatás Cafeteria Bónuszrendszer 13. havi jövedelem Sportolási ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Our SSC partner is looking for new, German speaking colleagues to the cash collection team to their Budapest office. Task: Keep contact with partners and customers on a daily basis Collect pending debts via phone or e-mail Updating records of workflow and create relevant reports to management Take responsibilty for sections of debtor's ledger and SAP system administration Support management and help making decisions to improve quality, cost and people engagement Requirements: Fluent German and English knowledge Knowledge of MS Office Financial knowledge and attitude Experience in multinational ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Magyarország piacvezető logisztikai szolgáltatójához keresünk munkatársat az alábbi pozícióra. Feladatok: bérek és egyéb juttatások számfejtése a gazdasági szervezetet terhelő befizetések összegének megállapítása kapcsolattartás a hatóságokkal, adatszolgáltatás TB kifizetőhelyi teljes ügyintézés Elvárások: Legalább középfokú OKJ-s Bérügyintéző és Társadalombiztosítási ügyintéző végzettség releváns szakmai tapasztalat a bérszámfejtés és TB ügyintézés területén a magyar munkajogi és társadalombiztosítási szabályok ismerete Nexon program ismerete önálló, lelkiismeretes munkavégzés MS-Office ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

We are looking for you if you are ready to join our multinational and fast growing partner and you are the prospective team member who is communicative, enthusiastic, goal-oriented and a great team player. If you are looking for a challenging role and you would like to feel appreciated for your energy invested in your work, you are looking for us. Tasks: Support operational delivery of Accounts Receivable processes Timely generation of customer invoices thereby ensuring that invoices are sent on time, Proactive issue resolution with other departments to meet the collection targets, Resolve ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

We are looking for you if you are ready to join our multinational and fast growing partner and you are the prospective team member who is communicative, enthusiastic, goal-oriented and a great team player. If you are looking for a challenging role and you would like to feel appreciated for your energy invested in your work, you are looking for us. Tasks: Support operational delivery of AP processes into the SSC, Monitoring, booking, posting of incoming invoices , Account Reconciliation including vendor statements, Be responsible for vendor account management, Providing support to customers to ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

We are looking for you if you are ready to join our multinational and fast growing partner and you are the prospective team member who is communicative, enthusiastic, goal-oriented and a great team player. If you are looking for a challenging role and you would like to feel appreciated for your energy invested in your work, you are looking for us. Tasks: Support operational delivery of AP processes into the SSC, Monitoring, booking, posting of incoming invoices , Account Reconciliation including vendor statements, Be responsible for vendor account management, Providing support to customers to ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

We are looking for you if you are ready to join our multinational and fast growing partner and you are the prospective team member who is communicative, enthusiastic, goal-oriented and a great team player. If you are looking for a challenging role and you would like to feel appreciated for your energy invested in your work, you are looking for us. Tasks: Support operational delivery of Collections processes into a new SSC Responsible for a section of debtors ledger Proactive issue resolution with other departments to meet the collection targets Daily tasks include collecting debts (via phone ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

Nemzetközi hátterű, felépülőben lévő partnercégünk legújabb csapatába keresünk munkatársakat. Ha folyékonyan beszélsz spanyolul és folyékonyan angolul és szeretnéd elindítani a karriered egy nemzetközi multinál, ragadd meg a lehetőséget. Feladatok: Napi kapcsolattartás a cég spanyol partnereivel hívásaik fogadása, után követése Egyszerű technikai problémák elhárítása felhasználók segítése Együttműködés a belső csapattal komolyabb problémák esetén Hívásokhoz, problémákhoz tartozó adminisztráció elvégzése Elvárások: Folyékony Spanyol és kommunikációképes Angol nyelvtudás Felhasználói szintű ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

If you have at least 1-2 years experience in Finance field and you would like to work in a multinational environment then we are looking for you to join our partner! Tasks: Supply customers with accurate financial information Handling invoices from the accounts payable side Monitoring and booking of incoming invoices Receive and review business expense related requests, forms, inquiries and questions Review incoming requests for completeness and accuracy Perform audits of data upon entry and business claims Proactive issue resolution Account reconciliation Prepare consolidation, reporting and ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided
Dostupno za sljedeće događanje::

If you have experience in accounting and looking for a new opportunity in a multinational environment then we are looking for you to join our partner! Tasks: Using Cash management module to check daily bank statements Missing statement handling (transaction code setting, statement upload) Issue resolution, investigation on rejected payments with the bank Handle bank guarantee Manage special payment method (direct debit) Cash forecast Funding request Provide audit materials, reporting Requirements: Fluent English is mandatory and other European language knowledge College or University degree ...

Država u kojoj je posao:
Raspon plaće::
Not provided