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Skills at work
la fecha del evento:
24 Noviembre 2023
Tipo de evento:
En línea, Recruitment event
Estado del registro:

350 empleos disponibles para este evento

Acerca de:

Per il nostro centro di produzione pasti di MONTICHIARI (BS) stiamo cercando un/a CUOCO/A La risorsa, che farà parte di un team di cuochi e aiuto cuochi rispondendo al Direttore di produzione, sarà inserita nella cucina centralizzata di MONTICHIARI (BS) . Avrà la responsabilità di ordini e inventario merce, controllo qualità, preparazione del menù del giorno. Nella nostra organizzazione un aspetto imprescindibile del ruolo è l'attenzione al rispetto delle procedure aziendali di igiene degli alimenti e di sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro. Desideriamo incontrare candidati che siano in possesso ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
6000 - 12000 EUR (Gross pay)
Acerca de:

Per una mensa aziendale in gestione ad Orzinuovi (BS) stiamo cercando un/una CUOCO/A La risorsa sarà inserita nella mensa aziendale in nostra gestione nel territorio di Orzinuovi (BS) per lo svolgimento di attività lavorative tipiche della ristorazione collettiva. Nello specifico, la risorsa avrà la responsabilità della gestione e preparazione di tutte le pietanze che compongono il menù del giorno. Nella nostra organizzazione un aspetto imprescindibile del ruolo è l'attenzione al rispetto delle procedure aziendali di igiene degli alimenti e di sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro. Desideriamo ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
6000 - 12000 EUR (Gross pay)
Acerca de:

IT L'ottico si occuperà della progettazione, realizzazione, riparazione, vendita degli occhiali e analisi refrattiva. L'ottico È un esperto di dispositivi oftalmici per la correzione dei difetti visivi più comuni (come miopia, presbiopia, astigmatismo) e si avvale di strumentazione ottica specifica per la sagomazione delle lenti ed il loro assemblaggio nelle montature. EN The optician will take care of the design, creation, repair and sale of the glasses and refractive analysis. The optician is an expert in ophthalmic devices for the correction of the most common visual defects (such as myopia ...

País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
1800 - 1900 EUR (Net pay)
Acerca de:

AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Acerca de:

AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Acerca de:

AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Acerca de:

AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...

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País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Acerca de:

La risorsa avrà il compito di gestire ciò che riguarda l’analisi energetica della struttura, verificando i consumi, ottimizzandoli e promuovendo interventi mirati all’efficienza energetica e all’uso di fonti rinnovabili. Sarà inoltre responsabile dell'identificazione delle caratteristiche tecniche e degli interventi organizzativi per la riduzione dei consumi. La risorsa sarà responsabile di tutto il flusso, dalla progettazione-analisi di fattibilità, alla realizzazione operativa -risoluzione criticità - del cantiere, fino alla conclusione dei lavori.

País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Acerca de:

AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Acerca de:

AREXIM ENGINEERING EAD is leading bulgarien manufacturer of precision technical plastic details with a tradition since 1991. The focus of the team is on continuous process and quality development. Simultaneously with the rapid pace of growth in recent years, the company has successfully developed and managed the entire process from the creation of the injection mould to the production of the finished part and its distribution. SAP ERP system as well as “Arqus”, an inhouse electronic quality management system, have been gradually implemented and developed. A machine park with high-tech ...

Presentada por:
País donde está el lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided