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Finland - Norway - Sweden Day

la fecha del evento:
11 Marzo 2020
Tipo de evento:
En línea
Estado del registro:

86 empleos disponibles para este evento

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We are looking for a THIN PLATE WELDERS for our customer The work image consists mainly of MIG/MAG welding of black steel, thickness from 1 mm to 12 mm. Work is done in two shifts. We require: -Work experience in the field -Good and accurate welding quality -good attitude and motivation to work -Welding classes are considered an advantage The work begins in March or according to the contract. The employment relationship is initially fixed-term, but skilled employee has the opportunity to continue. If you're interested, leave your application today at . Interviews are started ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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Do you want to spend your summer in the most fast days in international ambience? Can you offer the holiday moments and the most unforgettable experiences for guests of all ages? If so, then come to our client to learn customer service in the most fun way! At the same time, you tie new friendships and help Powerpark to be the best recreation centre in Finland. We are looking for A LA CARTE and LUNCH COOKS in Powerpark for a variety of tasks. In addition to professionalism as the main criterion, we consider excellent pressure tolerance and willingness to be involved in delivering unforgettable ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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Would you like an interesting and developing job as a specialist in Family medicine in Sweden? Welcome to Region Jämtland Härjedalen – a wonderful region in which to work, develop and live! We are situated around 500 km north of Stockholm. As a GP in our primary care you will; -have a varied, challenging and stimulating job -work independently with patients from the entire medical spectrum -play an important role in emergency medical care since Region Jämtland Härjedalen only has one hospital and many of the health care centres are nowhere near the hospital in Östersund -have good ...

País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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For the summer of 2020, we are looking for a LUNCH and ALA CARTE COOKS for our customer. You can be a student of the industry, just completed or already equipped with a chef's work experience. From our customer we can find different levels of restaurants and work together to think about your knowledge and interest. Work is available on behalf of May until the end of August. Working hours we offer 90 -112, 5h/3WK. From applicants we expect: -Chef's training and/or previous work experience in the chef's duties -Positive attitude and willingness to learn new -Flexibility, reliability and ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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Omsorgstjenesten i Tydal kommune søker sykepleier til vikariat på natt i 100 %, ved ønske om annen stillingsprosent kan dette vurderes. Tiltredelse etter avtale, sluttdato 31.12.20. Tydal kommune er en fjell- og kraftkommune i Trøndelag. I øst grenser den mot Sverige. Tydal ligger 8,5 mil fra Trondheim lufthavn Værnes. Tydal er kjent for praktfull natur med gode muligheter for jakt, fiske og friluftsliv, samt varierte tilbud innen idrett og kultur. Omsorgstjenesten består av sykehjem, demensavdeling og hjemmesykepleie. Arbeidsoppgaver: Arbeid på sykehjem. Telefonvakt for hjemmesykepleie og ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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ALL JOBS NEED TO BE APPLIED FOR BY USING THIS LINK : Jobbeskrivelse Org. nr: - Stillingsident: 4186240176 Presentasjon av stillingen: Inspektører/avdelingsledere ved Narvik ungdomsskole Narvik ungdomsskole har om lag 360 elever. Skolen ledes av rektor, assisterende rektor og to inspektører. Personalet er satt sammen i 3 "storteam" som ledes av en teamleder for 8. trinn, en for 9. trinn og en for 10. trinn. I tillegg har skolen to rådgivere, en sosialpedagogisk rådgiver og en spesialpedagogisk rådgiver. Narvik ungdomsskole flytter inn i nytt ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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ALL JOBS NEED TO BE APPLIED FOR BY USING THIS LINK: Jobbeskrivelse Org. nr: - Stillingsident: 4205917518 Presentasjon av stillingen: Narvik kommune har ledig 100% fast stilling som psykolog/psykologspesialist. Målgruppe for denne stillingen er primært aldersgruppen 0-13 år. Psykologen vil være en viktig del av Narvik kommunes kliniske innsats ovenfor målgruppen, tjenesteutvikling, og forebyggende arbeid. Erfaring med arbeid med barn, unge, og/eller familier er ønskelig. Spesialisering innenfor barn og unge eller samfunnspsykologi vil være ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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LOGSTOR Finland Oy Our products and services are a growing part of a more environmental-friendly energy distribution and with the help of those, many of our clients can achieve CO2 reductions. As the leading manufacturer of pre-insulated pipe systems we have high expectations of all of our employees. We challenge each other because we want to continuously offer better solutions and services to our clients. That’s why we’re looking for talented and enthusiastic people who want to join our team and thus be a part of our journey. We offer a workplace that is focused on sustainable development in ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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Ghost Competence is now hiring several junior system developers to the Telecom business in Luleå. Are you ambitious and passionate about programming, and want to keep up to date with the latest technology, We think this is the job for you! This is part of our staffing services. You will be employed as a consultant at Ghost Competence. As a junior system developer, you will work with development of the telecom domain. You work in teams according to the agile method to reach the business goals. We are looking for you that most likely hold a Master or Bachelor degree of engineering. You are ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Disponible para el siguiente evento::
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ALL JOBS NEED TO BE APPLIED FOR BY USING THIS LINK : Jobbeskrivelse Org. nr: - Stillingsident: 4200457145 Presentasjon av stillingen: FACT Ofoten er et samarbeid mellom Narvik kommune og DPS Ofoten. Teamet driftes som et prosjekt i perioden 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021. Teamet arbeider etter modellen for fleksibel aktiv oppsøkende behandling (FACT - Flexible assertive community treatment). Teamet gir oppfølging og behandling til mennesker med alvorlig psykisk lidelse og/eller rusavhengighet. Arbeidsmetoden er recovery-orientert og i dette inngår også ...

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País de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided