Aus dem einstigen Bauernhaus der Großeltern, dem ersten Beherbergungsbetrieb in Bad Füssing, hat unsere Familie bis heute ein 4-Sterne-Superior Resort mit mehreren Häusern geschaffen, alle miteinander verbunden – fast wie ein kleines "Ortner's-Dorf". Wellnessurlauber, ruhesuchende Paare, Kurgäste, Golfer und Genießer finden im Ortner's ihren persönlichen "O-Moment". Alle schätzen die Qualität, die ehrliche Gastfreundschaft des Ortner's-Teams sowie die vielseitigen Angebote auf unserem Hotelareal. Eine geradezu neue Dimension hat unsere Thermenwelt, von der wir überzeugt sind, dass sie die ...
Das familiär geführte 4-Sterne Thermen-Hotel APOLLO in Bad Füssing bietet ein Höchstmaß an Qualität: Seinen Gästen ebenso wie seinen Mitarbeitern. Sei es ein "kleines Extra" im Zimmer, Reservierungswünsche oder Ausflugstipps - wir möchten die Gäste voll und ganz umsorgen, verwöhnen und ihren Aufenthalt in unserem Hause so unvergesslich machen, dass sie sich am Ende mit einem "bis bald!" verabschieden und mit einem zufriedenen Lächeln nach Hause fahren. WIR SUCHEN SIE (m/w/d)! Sie haben Spaß im Umgang mit Menschen und sind motiviert? Dann sind Sie der/die Richtige als unser/e neue/r Kollege/in ...
We are looking for a Junior Java Developer to join our office in Trieste (Italy). You will be responsible for designing and developing our products, with technologies including Java SE/EE, Javascript and web frameworks and languages (Angular, TypeScript, Sass, etc). You will work in an Agile team (Scrum) developing desktop and web application and improving the quality of our code with continuous delivery and continuous integration techniques. The job term is a one-year fixed-term contract, then converted to permanent. You will be able to: exploit your knowledge on technologies learn new ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Electrical & Instrumentation (Lead) Engineer Do you have affinity with the chemical industry, are you passionate about design and specialized in instrumentation? Then the role of E&I Engineer is for you. If you have leadership skills, then you can take the role of Lead Engineer. | Your responsibilities You independently provide E ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Civil Engineer Looking for a new challenge within Construction & Infrastructure as a Civil Engineer?. Within you will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects such as: Renovation projects of floor slabs, pile foundations, buildings New construction of industrial (office) buildings and infrastructure ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Civil Designer Bringing your own drawing to life has something magical! Do you want to experience this every day? Then start as a Civil Designer at | Job Description As a Civil Designer, you will be involved from the beginning of the project. You will be part of the technical team and project engineers. You will ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Piping Designer Passionate about the design of complex installations? Start as a Piping Designer and handle the complete design of piping. | Job Description As a Piping Designer, you will take care of the complete design of piping installations. You gather the necessary detail plans from the study bureau or start from your own P ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Piping Engineer Start as a Piping Engineer and work on innovative projects! | Job Description As a Piping Engineer you work out the basic and detail engineering of diverse piping installation. These projects vary between capital- and maintenance projects. Together with the engineering team you ensure an effective process approach ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Mechanical Engineer Start as a Mechanical Engineer and take charge of innovative projects ! | Job Description As a Mechanical Engineer, you will design and devise technical realization and solutions for various projects. This can be for sectors such as Oil & Tanking, Automotive, Pharma, Petrochemicals, Food, Machine Construction ... is a family business, proudly working on technical projects in our 3 Business Units: Industry, Construction & Infrastructure and Maritime & Offshore. Due to the increasing growth of the Industry, Construction & Infra Department, we are looking for a Process (Lead) Engineer As a Process Engineer, you are the first link in the elaboration and improvement of chemical production processes. For candidates with leadership skills, there is also a position as Lead Process Engineer. | Your responsibilities You provide complex Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s), Piping & Instrumentation ...