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RMCC Ltd are seeking an experienced Quantity Surveyor to join their team. Requires a person with the ability to take a project from tender stage to final account. This will entail roles such as quotation enquiries, dealing with sub-contractors, product procurement, etc.. The role with be semi office based and semi on site. RMCC Ltcd are based in Kilkenny and currently working in and around Kilkenny but do work throughout south Leinster up to and including Dublin.

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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My Client is a dedicated data centre delivery partner providing turnkey solutions to their clients, headquartered in Dublin and delivering throughout Europe. They specialise in providing turnkey data centre solutions, providing services from design, through to construction across the full range of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical services as well as commissioning. They have grown to become the leading and most trusted company in the sector and is the only dedicated Data Centre delivery partner in Europe. They are currently constructing multiple turnkey data centre ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Dublin
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
95000 - 110000 EUR (Gross pay)
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My Client is a dedicated data centre delivery partner providing turnkey solutions to their clients, headquartered in Dublin and delivering throughout Europe. They specialise in providing turnkey data centre solutions, providing services from design, through to construction across the full range of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical services as well as commissioning. They have grown to become the leading and most trusted company in the sector and is the only dedicated Data Centre delivery partner in Europe. They are currently constructing multiple turnkey data centre ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Dublin
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
75000 - 90000 EUR (Gross pay)
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My Client is a dedicated data centre delivery partner providing turnkey solutions to their clients, headquartered in Dublin and delivering throughout Europe. They specialise in providing turnkey data centre solutions, providing services from design, through to construction across the full range of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical services as well as commissioning. They have grown to become the leading and most trusted company in the sector and is the only dedicated Data Centre delivery partner in Europe. They are currently constructing multiple turnkey data centre ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Dublin
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
75000 - 110000 EUR (Gross pay)
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◾ RICERCHIAMO: ANIMATORI SENZA ESPERIENZA CON PARTENZA INVERNO ED ESTATE PER ITALIA E ISOLE CANARIE ◾RICORDIAMO✍️ : Si richiede la maggiore età, autonomia e predisposizione al lavoro di squadra. ◾INVIA CURRICULUM CON FOTO A: ✉ 🔹CHI SIAMO?? First Animazione, Agenzia riminese Leader nel settore del Turismo dal 1994, ricerca personale per Villaggi Turistici, Resort, Hotel, Urban Village, Camping. 🔹COSA OFFRIAMO: ▪ STIPENDIO FISSO MENSILE ▪ CCNL A TEMPO DETERMINATO ▪ VITTO E ALLOGGIO PER L'INTERO PERIODO STAGIONALE ALL'INTERNO DELLA STRUTTURA E DIVISA (UNIFORME) ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Good
  • Dutch
  • Basic
  • French
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
800 - 1500 EUR (Net pay)
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Tommasin Utensili Srl, da oltre quarant'anni leader di mercato nel settore della produzione di utensili standard e speciali per l’occhialeria e l’industria meccanica, ricerca per il suo sito produttivo di Tricase (LE), un Operatore CNC con diploma in discipline tecniche, preferibilmente ad indirizzo meccanico, meccatronico, elettrico o elettronico. Il candidato sarà inserito all’interno del reparto di affilatura CNC in affiancamento a tecnici con esperienza pluriennale. Le responsabilità principali includono; attrezzaggio macchine CNC controllo lavorazione rispetto procedure di sicurezza ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
1000 - 1800 EUR (Net pay)
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Jobangebot - Online Kostenlosen Vortellungsgespräch Sucht man die Folgende Figuren: Animateure/Schauspielern/Tänzern ohne Erfahrung für Sommerjob. Anforderungen: Volljärigkeit, Autonomie und Bereitschaft zur Arbeit im Team. Einsenden Lebenslauf : Über uns: First Animazione, italienische Agentur, Leader im Turismussektor seit 1994, sucht Arbeitspersonal für Ferienresorts, Hotels, Urban Villages und Campings. Instagram-Seite: Firstanimazione / Smiler_First Was bieten wir: -festes monatliches Gehalt -Angewandter Tarifvertrag italienischer Nationalvertrag ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • German
  • Good
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
900 - 1500 EUR (Net pay)
Acerca de:

We are pleased to announce that we are currently seeking a Mechanical Engineer to join our mechanical team. The Mechanical Engineer will oversee technical project delivery including reviewing tender documentation, selection of plant and materials and submittals, coordination of the services, and oversight of the production of coordinated drawings. Responsibilities Manage relevant client communications Design management Coordinate work with contractors to ensure services fit together Prepare method statements and risk assessments for construction activities Complete all HVAC deliverables within ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Germany, Frankfurt
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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◾ WE ARE LOOKING FOR: LICENSED LIFEGUARD ASSISTANT, INTERNAL AND/OR EXTERNAL WATER, PER SEASON WITH IMMEDIATE CONTRACT DEPARTURE. ◾WE REMEMBER✍️: Major age, autonomy and aptitude for teamwork are required. ◾SEND CURRICULUM WITH PHOTO TO: ✉ 🔹WHO ARE WE?? First Animazione, Rimini-based agency, leader in the tourism sector since 1994, personal search for Tourist Villages, Resorts, Hotels, Urban Villages, Camping. 🔹WHAT WE OFFER: ▪ FIXED MONTHLY SALARY ▪ FIXED-TERM CCNL ▪ ACCOMMODATION AND BOARD FOR THE ENTIRE SEASONAL PERIOD INSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE AND UNIFORM (UNIFORM ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
1000 - 1500 EUR (Net pay)
Acerca de:

The Electrical Engineer will work with a team of electrical sub-contractors as they assist with designing, development and electrical installation within a large electrical system in keeping with project programmes. Responsibilities Ensure all works are carried out and managed in accordance with the Winthrop Integrated Management System Manage, review and coordinate drawings, as requested Advise and guide the sub-contracted staff on all technical aspects of the project Prioritise and allocate the work for the staff on the technical team Ensure sub-contractor compliance with all site and ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Germany, Frankfurt
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Fluent
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided

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