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Region Norrbotten is a county situated in Norrbotten in the northernmost part of Sweden, constituting a quarter of Sweden. Region Norrbotten provides healthcare and dental care, and support research and education. We contribute to the development of Norrbotten, and work with culture, public transport and regional cooperation. The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, 24 healthcare centres and 19 dental clinics spread out in all the municipalities. Region Norrbotten serves the residents of Norrbotten. We are governed by the residents of the ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Swedish
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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Region Norrbotten is a county situated in Norrbotten in the northernmost part of Sweden, constituting a quarter of Sweden. Region Norrbotten provides healthcare and dental care, and support research and education. We contribute to the development of Norrbotten, and work with culture, public transport and regional cooperation. The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, 24 healthcare centres and 19 dental clinics spread out in all the municipalities. Region Norrbotten serves the residents of Norrbotten. We are governed by the residents of the ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Swedish
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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Strauji augošs metālapstrādes uzņēmums LSEZ SIA ”RT Metāls” aicina pievienoties savai komandai METINĀTĀJU uz nenoteiktu laiku. Prasības kandidātiem: -Kā priekšrocība tiks uzskatīta vidējā speciālā izglītība metālapstrādē vai līdzīgā tehniskā nozarē; -Vēlama pieredze metināšanā; -Vēlama prasme lasīt rasējumus u.c. tehnisko dokumentāciju. Mēs piedāvājam: -Pilnas slodzes darbu stabilā uz eksportu orientētā ražošanas uzņēmumā; -Zināšanām un darba pieredzei atbilstošu atalgojumu atkarībā no katra pretendenta individuālajām zināšanām, kvalifikācijas, prasmēm un spējām; -Alga sākot no 1386 EUR (8,30 ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Latvian
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
1386 - 1500 EUR (Gross pay)
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SIA “Smartlynx Airlines” aicina pievienoties komandai PROJEKTA VADĪTĀJU (TEHNISKĀS PROGRAMMATŪRAS INTEGRĀCIJA) PIENĀKUMI: Vadīt un pārvaldīt programmatūras integrācijas projektus no uzsākšanas līdz pabeigšanai, nodrošinot saskaņošanu ar biznesa mērķiem tehniskajā nodaļā. Izstrādāt visaptverošus projektu plānus, detalizēti norādot darbības jomu, grafiku, resursus un riska pārvaldības stratēģijas. Cieši sadarboties ar iekšējām tehniskajām komandām, tostarp IT, izstrādes, kā arī ārējiem piegādātājiem, lai apkopotu prasības un nodrošinātu veiksmīgu integrāciju. Identificēt, analizēt un samazināt ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Latvian
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
4000 - 5000 EUR (Gross pay)
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SIA Liepājas kuģu būves rūpnīca aicina darbā LOKMETINĀTĀJUS METINĀŠANĀ AR MEHANIZĒTO IEKĀRTU INERTĀS GĀZES VIDĒ (MIG) darbam ar alumīnija korpusiem. Nepieciešama iepriekšēja darba pieredze. Piedāvājam: Konkurētspējīgu atalgojumu no 2000 - 2500EUR(bruto), piemaksas un bonusu sistēmu; Nodrošinam ar bezmaksas dzīvesvietu (dienesta viesnīca) CV lūdzam sūtīt uz e-pastu:

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Latvian
  • Fair
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
2000 - 2500 EUR (Gross pay)
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MMD Construction are seeking to recruit a Junior Environmental, Health and Safety Advisor. The Role of the /junior EHS Advisor will be to guide, support and advise Project/Site Managers and other relevant personnel on the implementation and continuous improvement of MMD Construction systems and standards in accordance with the MMD Construction Safety, Quality and Environmental Management Systems. The Junior EHS Advisor will receive Guidance from a Senior member of the team who will train and coach in line with best practice.

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Cork
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Yearly):
34000 - 40000 EUR (Gross pay)
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MMD Construction are seeking to recruit an experienced Site Manager (Civils) to work on exciting construction projects throughout Cork and Munster. MMD Construction is a leading construction company based in Cork, Ireland, with over 20 years of experience in delivering high-quality building projects across various sectors. Our success is built on strong client relationships, a skilled and dedicated workforce, and a focus on innovation and sustainability. Joining MMD Construction means being part of a dynamic team where you will have opportunities to grow your career, work on exciting projects ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Cork and Munster Region
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Yearly):
50000 - 65000 EUR (Gross pay)
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MMD Construction are seeking to recruit an experienced and ambitious Project Manager to join their growing team in Cork. Reporting to the Contracts Manager, the successful candidate will play a key role in ensuring the successful completion of the project, adhering to budget, timeline, safety and quality standards. About the Company: MMD Construction is a leading construction company based in Cork, Ireland, with over 20 years of experience in delivering high-quality building projects across various sectors. Our success is built on strong client relationships, a skilled and dedicated workforce ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Cork
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Yearly):
60000 - 75000 EUR (Gross pay)
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MMD Construction is a leading construction company based in Cork, Ireland, with over 20 years of experience in delivering high-quality building projects across various sectors. Our success is built on strong client relationships, a skilled and dedicated workforce, and a focus on innovation and sustainability. Joining MMD Construction means being part of a dynamic team where you will have opportunities to grow your career, work on exciting projects, and contribute to shaping Ireland’s built environment. About the Role: We are currently seeking a Senior EHS Advisor to join our team and ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Cork
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Yearly):
55000 - 65000 EUR (Gross pay)
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MMD Construction is seeking an experienced Construction Contracts Manager to oversee and manage multiple construction contracts from project initiation to completion. The successful candidate will be responsible for the delivery of high-quality construction projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards. This is a senior-level position that requires strong leadership, excellent commercial acumen, and the ability contribute to the continued success and growth of the company.

Lugar de trabajo:
Ireland, Cork
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial: (Yearly):
80000 - 90000 EUR (Gross pay)

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