Technician for Electronics and ITF Operation (Ref. TC-ITF-18)
Technician for Electronics and ITF Operation (Ref. TC-ITF-18)
The European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) is a French-Italian consortium founded by
INFN and CNRS to foster European collaboration in gravitational wave research.
EGO is located in Cascina, near Pisa –Italy, and hosts and operates the gravitational wave
detector Virgo, a 3 km-long laser interferometer (ITF). Virgo and the two LIGO ITFs in the
US are the most sensitive gravitational-wave detecting instruments in the world.
The Virgo project involves the collaboration of about 20 laboratories with more than 250
scientists, engineers and technicians in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and
The selected candidate will work as a technician in the Electronics team of the EGO ITF
Technology Department and, under the guidance of senior engineering staff, she/he mainly
- populate custom-designed electronic boards;
- assemble units hosting one or more boards and associated cabling;
- follow and maintain engineering documentation of units and systems, including
operating procedures;
- prepare and install custom cabling;
During ITF commissioning periods or during data-taking periods, the selected candidate will
be required to work in shifts in the Control Room (including night and weekend shifts whenever
needed) as a technician in the Operators team of the EGO ITF Technology Department. In this
capacity, the candidate will need to:
- keep the ITF in the needed configuration, according to the on-going scientific activity
following established procedures and safety rules;
- provide support to the scientific crew working in the Control Room;
- perform routine operations as well as basic troubleshooting;
- check the correct functioning of the ITF by means of the appropriate monitoring
- promptly recognize sub-system problems and undertake a first-level intervention and,
in the case of more complex problems contact the relevant expert.
Essential required qualifications and experience
- High-school qualification in Electronics or an equivalent educational level, with at least
3 years of professional experience.
- Ability to comprehend technical information, manuals, reports, as well as to prepare
logbook entries, reports, etc.
- Versatility and ability to act as an effective team player adapting to ever-changing
- Capacity to communicate efficiently with colleagues from different European countries
and a strong sense of team spirit.
- Good knowledge of English.
Desired qualifications and experience
One or more of the following will be an asset:
- experience with CAD tools (for electronics, and possibly mechanical, design);
- experience in manual soldering of high-reliability electrical connections;
- experience in basic troubleshooting of electronics devices;
- hands-on, practical approach to electronics;
- basic knowledge of UNIX/LINUX operating systems ;
- working knowledge of Italian.
General requirements
- European citizenship.
- No criminal convictions.
- Driving license.
Place of work
EGO - European Gravitational Observatory – Via E. Amaldi - S. Stefano a Macerata – 56021
Cascina (PI) - ITALY.
Type of contract
One-year contract, except legal limits, as “Collaboratore Tecnico” (Technical Collaborator),
according to the “Contratto Collettivo di Lavoro del Personale EGO” (EGO personnel
collective bargaining agreement ). Upon expiration, the contract could be transformed into an
indefinite contract.
Selection procedure
The selection will be made considering candidate qualifications and experience.
The first phase of the selection will be based on the examination of the CVs and Application
Forms. The best candidates will be admitted to the final phase, which will consist of an
How to apply
Candidates can send their CV and the EGO Application Form (to be found here), to
jobs@ego-gw.it quoting the reference number of this vacancy notice.
Responsible for the procedure
“Responsabile del Procedimento”:
Pasquale Popolizio
Tel 050 752546
Email pasquale.popolizio@ego-gw.it
Closing date for applications
January 6th, 2019.