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Descripción de la oferta de empleo

Profili richiesti: muratori esperti, carpentieri esperti, intonacatori esperti.

Sede di lavoro: Visso (MC) MARCHE ITALIA

Inviare il CV a: inserendo il codice di riferimento: 289123

Profiles required: experienced bricklayers, experienced carpenters, experienced plasterers.

Place of work: Visso (MC) MARCHE ITALY

Send CV to: inserting the reference code: 289123

Detalles del trabajo
Campo de ocupación:
Ámbito educativo:
Work experience:
Work experience is required
Duración de la experiencia laboral:
Up to 1 year
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Italian
  • Fair
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Date of expiry:

Información sobre la empresa

Our local Public Employment Service (Job Center) is located in Italy, in the Marche Region, in Tolentino, and supports companies and jobseekers in the area in their search for personnel and job searchGet in touch with us by registering for this event and sending your applications or simply expressing interest in our company!Registration is just two clicks away:… Más información