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Descripción de la oferta de empleo


Norway is the land of the midnight sun, high mountains, deep fjords, breathtaking scenery and it could also be the land of your new career opportunities. Apotek 1 is currently seeking highly motivated pharmacists looking to make a career move.


We offer good working conditions, individual development and career plans. To meet our language requirements, we offer the right candidates language courses, and are willing to assist with some financial support during the course. We can also give general relocation support. Apotek 1 has pharmacies all over Norway, and you must be willing to move to remote parts of our country.


Apotek 1 is committed to providing customer defined service and clinical excellence, while maintaining the highest standards of quality care, ethics, integrity and compliance. The employees in our pharmacies sell all types of prescription only and non-prescription medicines, and also offer a wide range of quality assured health and well-being products at competitive prices.

Our pharmacists provide pharmaceutical services to customers in a manner that maximises quality and patient safety. They participate in and supervise the dispensing of medication in accordance with state regulations and Apotek 1 policy.


 For candidates with a University or Master degree in Pharmacy, (Título de Licenciado en Farmacia or Título de Graduado/a en Farmacia), Apotek 1 in Norway offers a career in a well-known company with a high reputation. We are seeking self-driven and goal-oriented persons, with a passion to fulfil customers’ needs. Applicants must have excellent English skills, and be highly motivated to learn to speak and write the Norwegian language. Authorisation is needed to work as a pharmacist in Norway. For EEA-citizens authorisation is accorded where the applicant is able to submit the diplomas. More information at:  (Authorisation and license for health personnel).


Send your CV and motivation letter to: - mark your application: “Pharmacists to Norway”. Candidates will be considered successively.

Apotek 1 is the leading pharmacy chain in Norway, with more than 400 pharmacies nationwide, which represents a market share of about 48%. We have more than 4000 dedicated employees, and we are proud to be Norway’s number one pharmaceutical employer. Apotek 1 is owned by Phoenix group.


Detalles del trabajo
Campo de ocupación:
Ámbito educativo:
Experiencia laboral:
Work experience is not required
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Good
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

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