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Descripción de la oferta de empleo


Ricerchiamo ARTist, professionisti dell’intrattenimento!

Art Group, azienda Leader nel settore dell’Animazione Turistica che collabora con i più importanti Tour Operator, seleziona e assume Animatori da inserire nelle migliori strutture turistiche in Italia e nel Mondo sia al mare che in montagna.

We are looking for ARTists, entertainment professionals!

Art Group, a leading company in the Tourist Entertainment sector that collaborates with the most important Tour Operators, selects and hires Entertainers to be placed in the best tourist facilities in Italy and around the world, both at the seaside and in the mountains.

Requisitos laborales


  • Buone capacità di comunicazione
  • Attitudine al lavoro in Team
  • Predisposizione alle pubbliche relazioni.


  • Good communication skills
  • Aptitude for teamwork
  • Aptitude for public relations.
Requisitos deseables


Cerchiamo per villaggi in Italia e all'estero. Lingua italiana non fondamentale per tutte le posizioni ma gradita.


We are looking for villages in Italy and abroad. Italian language is not essential for all positions but appreciated.



Non è obbligatoria esperienza pregressa nel settore.

Vitto, alloggio e viaggio a carico dell'agenzia.


No previous experience in the sector is necessary

Food, accommodation and travel at the expense of the agency.

Detalles del trabajo
Campo de ocupación:
Experiencia laboral:
Work experience is not required
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • Italian
  • Good
Required skills:
perform public relations, Public relations, teamwork principles
Horquilla salarial: (Mensualmente):
700 - 1500 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

About organisation

The experience gained in 32 years of activity has allowed us to achieve a know-how in the tourism sector that allows us to range over different types of services that can be placed in the tourism sector: entertainment at tourist facilities, the sale of holiday packages and tailor-made trips, the organization of events.Art Group boasts in-depth knowledge in the field of research, selection and… Más información
