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First EURES Online Job Days, Castilla y León

la fecha del evento:
28 - 29 Octubre 2015
Tipo de evento:
En línea
Estado del registro:

69 empleos disponibles para este evento

Jobs recorded for this event: 538

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Presentada por:
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Hotel Specialist (Hotelfachmann/-frau) Hotel specialists are needed in various areas of a hotel, such as housekeeping, reception, restaurant, banquet service, management. They are committed to making their guests’ stay as enjoyable as possible. Your duties range from room booking, dealing with potential complaints, getting hotel rooms ready and check them, serving meals in the restaurant to organising events, preparing invoices, planning of working processes and supervising staff. Your area of responsibility also includes accounting and stock-keeping as well as administrative work. You’ll ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • German
  • Good
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
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Nuestro cliente internacional con 20 sucursales en varios países proyecta soluciones innovadoras para sistemas logísticos mediante instalaciones modernas. Nuestra especialidad consiste en planear y diseñar sistemas logísticos altamente automatizados, principalmente enfocados al software y al control. El espíritu creativo y la perseverancia de nuestros más de 2.500 empleados son la clave del éxito, avalados por la confianza que depositan nuestros clientes en nosotros. La Empresa tiene surcusales en Espana – al cabo de un tiempo será posible cambiar el lugar de trabajo a Espana. Para nuestro ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
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¿En qué consiste la profesión? Tendrías que preparar platos variados y guarniciones. Tu responsabilidad es crear el menú, comprar los ingredientes y almacenarlos convenientemente. También eres el/la encargado/a de organizar lso procesos y el ritmo de trabajo en la cocina, y de asegurarte de que los platos estén listos a tiempo y en el orden adecuado. En las cocinas más pequeñas, también tendrías que cocinar, freír, hornear y preparar los platos tú mismo/a. En las más grandes, hay más especialización y hay personas encargadas de cierto tipo de preparaciones, como ensaladas, carnes o pescados ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • German
  • Fair
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
Acerca de:

Buscamos para una empresa de contratación responsable, de personal especializada: Instaladores eléctricos ( region Hamburgo ) Sus tareas: • Instalación en nuevos y antiguos edificios. • Preparación y tratamiento posterion de Soldaduras • Reparación y renovación de edificios antiguos • Instalaciones en nuevos edificios • Colocación de cables eléctrucos Kabel (TV) • Colocación de enchufes e interruptores • Colocación de lámparas • Taladrar • Ozganización del trabajo Su Perfil • Título de Formaciós de Instalador Eléctrico (h/m), Electrónico-Energía-o Técnico de Edificios (h/m) o equivalente • ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
Acerca de:

ZAV Internationaler Personalservice NRW, Karl-Harr-Str. 5, 44263 Dortmund, Deutschland | CONTACT DETAILS ZAV IPS NRW phone: +49 231 427819-26 Karl-Harr-Str. 5 email: 44263 Dortmund, Germany You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – We place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for TECHNICIANS (M/F) in the region of NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA from ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Good
  • German
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
Acerca de:

You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – We place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS (JUNIOR/SENIOR) (M/F) in the region of NORTH RHINE- WESTPHALIA Desirable Skills: - Experienced in front- and backend technologies (e.g. HTML, CSS) - Experienced in relational databases, desirable SQL - Knowledge of .NET technologies North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
  • German
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
Acerca de:

You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – We place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (M/F) / CONSTRUCTION DESIGNERS in the region of NORTH RHINE- WESTPHALIA specialization:  construction  structure analysis  design optimisation  planning and monitoring of the production North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
  • German
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
Acerca de:

You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – We place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for COMPUTER SCIENTISTS (M/F) in the region of NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA specialization:IT project management (SAP) user support system administration software coordination network and system architecture software testing North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Very good
  • German
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided
Presentada por:
Acerca de:

We are looking for ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (M/F) in the region of NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA specialization: Software engineering and launching in the field of control engineering and automation North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the heart of Europe, with a strong economy and countless leisure time facilities. NRW is thrilling! Your profile: You own a university degree in Electrical Engineering or a relevant and comparable education with experience in the field of software ...

Lugar de trabajo:
Habilidades lingüísticas:
  • English
  • Good
  • German
  • Basic
Horquilla salarial::
Not provided