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The Euro Banking Association (EBA) plays a major role in the financial industry as a forum for discussing  and  driving  pan-European  payment  initiatives.  The  EBA  is  a  country-neutral  banking  association  for  payment  practitioners  with  a  pan-European mindset  and  vision.  It  is  therefore  well-positioned  to  actively  support  banks  in  their continued  migration  to  the  Single  Euro  Payments  Area  (SEPA)  and  in  other  bankdriven initiatives requiring hands-on co-operation at a pan-European level.

Based  on  the  support  of  its  unique  membership,  the  EBA  contributes  to  the development  and  improvement  of  pan-European  business  practices  in  co-operation with  regulatory  and  industry  bodies.  The communication and explanation of these business practices and other industry developments to its members and to the wider industry constitute another important part of the EBA’s mission.

The EBA was founded in 1985 by 18 commercial banks and the European Investment Bank, with the support of the European Commission. Today, the EBA includes close to 200 member organisations from the European Union and across the world.

Datos de la organización

Event participation(s)

03 - 04 Octubre 2013
Participating: En línea