22 October 2024 - JOIN US! Live on the Public channel
Patrizia Nitka; Henrik Atterström; Toine Witters from EURES gives a brief introduction, welcomes guests, and have short debates.
Talk with EURES Advisers Lara Feller, Jan Vleugel and Simone Döhner
EURES Advisers an the topics: What is EURES? What can EURES do for you? Labour market orientation.
Talk with EURES Advisers Lara Feller, Jan Vleugel and Simone Döhner
EURES Advisers and employers on the topics: How to support you? Collaboration EURES and employers. Onboarding and cultural differences in the workplace.
Talk with EURES Advisers Lara Feller, Jan Vleugel and Simone Döhner
EURES Advisers and employers on the topics: Working in one country and living in another? The future labour market. What is European Job Days?
Talk with EURES Advisers Lara Feller, Jan Vleugel and Simone Döhner
Patrizia Nitka; Henrik Atterström; Toine Witters from EURES sums up the day