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MaxiMilia is an advanced Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system for Health Care.

One of the major problems for the Health Care Industry is a fragmentation of information
about the patient and an inability to make the information available for the
Health Professional in a Secure, Timely and User Friendly fashion.

The challenges can be described in three segments.

Information is typically stored in many different locations and formats.
Accessing information is restricted to the physical network of the caregivers
and when the patient moves between specialists and different Healthcare
Providers the information stays behind.

Apart from being available around the clock around the year, the Data has to be
protected from unauthorized access (personal integrity). Legal demands are
extensive and so far, no other supplier has been able to deliver a functioning

User Friendlies (Interface)
In order to turn Data into Information, the Data has to be seen in its context.
Typically this is neglected or not understood by the system providers.

With MaxiMilia we have solved these main challenges.
It has been long and hard work but now we have a product that is Tested, Scalable and
Packed. The technology is basic IBM and the method is generic (applicable on any market

See this interactive illustration for an overview:

The key is both a figurative and a literal Key, that makes it possible for a Healthcare
Professional to access Patient information via any computer, connected to the Internet.

Hot jobs

Competences we are looking for:

People who would like to sell our products/services with adaption on their home markets.

Developers for our products/services at different levels

What we need are people with programming skills, social competences, who understand social interaction (e.g. social media), statistics, economic and health science.

Organisation details
Contact details:

Torgny Wennemyr




Event participation(s)

Living and Working in Dalarna
Participating: Onsite