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The National Employment Agency (ANOFM) operates under the authority of Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity and implements the policies and strategies in the field of employment and vocational training. On ANOFM website are published information for jobseekers, unemployed and employers,  measures applied by ANOFM to stimulate the employment at national level, financial subsidies for employers, various bonuses for unemployed registered to ANOFM in case of employment, national employment legislation, etc. The job vacancies available in Romania, as declared by Romanian employers to ANOFM, can be found on ANOFM website:

Since 2007, the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) is member of the EURES Network.

Set up in 1993, EURES - European Employment Services - is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free movement of workers within the European Economic Area (the EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein); Switzerland is also involved. Members and partners in the network include public employment services, trade unions, employers' organisations, private employments services, etc. The network is coordinated by the European Labour Authority.

On the EURES Romania website are published the job vacancies received from EU/EEA EURES members and partners targeting Romanian job seekers: The job vacancies are translated and published on EURES Romania website, only in Romanian language, but the rest of the website has English menu.

Besides the job vacancies at the website contains other sections with useful info for jobseekers and employers: EURES national network, Services for employers, Targeted Mobility Schemes, Working conditions in Romania/ in EU States, Social security rights and obligations for migrant workers, Informative materials etc.

At there is a dedicated section “Working conditions in Romania” in Romanian and English language. The section is suitable both for Romanians who are interested to return and for citizens of other countries who are interested in living and working in Romania.

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