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Import your offer from the EURES portal

If you have already registered a job vacancy on the EURES Portal, you can now import it here. To do so, simply visit the page on the EURES Portal and copy the unique job vacancy handle from the web address (see the screenshot below). Subsequently, paste it into the "Job vacancy handle" field below and click on "Import".

Import your offer from the EURES portal
Import from the EURES portal
Basic information
The salary range you are about to enter is related to the field "Pay period" below. For example, a jobseeeker may be offered a salary in the range of EUR 1200-1500 monthly Gross / Net.
Additional information
One / all of the Education fields listed above is / are required
Language skills
The classification used for the required skills is linked to ESCO. ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) is the European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations. ESCO works as a dictionary, describing, identifying and classifying professional occupations and skills relevant for the EU labour market and education and training. ESCO is a European Commission project.
ISCO (International Standard Classification of Occupations) is a classification of occupations which organises jobs into a clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in the job. ISCO has been developed and is managed and maintained by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Are there any restrictions that may apply to this job offer?
How to apply
Application method
Select application method for the job offer:
  • Application on the platform only - Jobseekers will be able to apply for the job through the European Job Days platform only.
  • Application on the platform + via e-mai - Jobseekers will be able to apply for the job through the European Job Days platform and an e-mail address you provide.
  • Application on the platform + via website - Jobseekers will be able to apply for the job through the European Job Days platform, an e-mail address and a website you provide.