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Job offer description

Sede di lavoro: Isola del Liri (Frosinone)

Esperienza pregressa richiesta :SI

Durata contratto: Tempo Determinato (3 mesi), orario full time

Titolo di studio richiesto: licenza  scuola media inferiore

Data scadenza offerta: 30/07/2021

Candidature:  per candidarsi occorre inviare alla mail il modulo di autocandidatura mod. p3 (scaricabile dal sito spazio lavoro, sezione modulistica -modulistica lavoro) indicando nell'oggetto l’identificativo dell’offerta di lavoro (id) 19799, il curriculum vitae formato europass ed un documento di riconoscimento in corso di validita'

Place of work: Isola del Liri (Frosinone)

Previous experience required :YES

Contract duration: Fixed-term (3 months), full time

Qualification required: secondary school certificate

Expiry date: 30/07/2021

Applications: to apply, send the self-candidacy form p3 (downloadable from the website spazio lavoro, section modulistica -modulistica lavoro) to the email, indicating in the subject line the identification number of the job offer (id) 19799, the curriculum vitae in Europass format and a valid identification document.

Job details
Work experience:
Work experience is not required
Language skills:
  • Italian
  • Good
Required skills:
driver's license structure
Salary range:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

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EURES Italy is looking for you!EURES Italy promotes conscious, quality and circular professional mobility.Its actions are aimed at matching demand and supply of labor according to the legal status of the subjects in mobility."We have a wide array of job openings across many fields of expertise. EURES Italy is arranging this online recruitment event together with other countries, where you… Find out more
