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Job offer description

Job Italia SpA Work Agency - Aut. Min.Lav. Prot 13/I/0001610/0301 of 5/02/2010 Milan Branch, is looking for a company manufacturing motors and geared motors


The resource will be inserted in the technical office and will be responsible for:

  • hardware and firmware design
  • verification and validation tests
  • drafting technical documentation


  • Degree in electronic engineering
  • fluent English
  • knowledge of electronic board design tools
  • knowledge of microcontrollers and microchip development environments is desirable
  • predisposition to multidisciplinary activities

We offer: open-ended employment contract.

Place of work: San Giuliano Milanese (MI)

This advertisement is addressed to both males and females, in accordance with the Italian laws 903/77 and 125/91, as well as to people of all ages and nationalities, in accordance with the Italian legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03.


JOB Italia SpA Agenzia per il lavoro  - Autorizzata dal Ministero del Lavoro, prot. 13/l/0001610/03.01 del 05/02/2010 Filiale di Milano ricerca per azienda produttrice di motori e motoriduttori


La risorsa verrà inserita all'interno dell'ufficio tecnico si occuperà di:

  • progettazione hardware e firmware
  • prove di verifica e validazione
  • redazione documentazione tecnica

Si richiede:

  • Laurea in ingegneria elettronica
  •  inglese fluente
  • conoscenza strumenti di progettazione schede elettroniche
  • gradita la conoscenza di microcontrollori e ambienti di sviluppo di microchip
  • predisposizione ad attività multidisciplinare

Si offre: contratto di lavoro a tempo indeterminato.

Sede di lavoro: San Giuliano Milanese (MI)

Il presente annuncio è rivolto a uomini e donne, ai sensi delle leggi italiane 903/77 e 125/91, nonché a persone di tutte le età e nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi italiani 215/03 e 216/03.

Job details
Work experience:
Work experience is not required
Language skills:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • Italian
  • Good
Salary range:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

About organisation

Job ItaliaENGJob Italia is a joint-stock company with wholly Italian capital, registered in the Register of Work Agencies set up by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, authorised to carry out the following activities: training, search & selection, intermediation, agency work, outsourcing, outplacement and support for professional placement.Present throughout Italy and in possession of… Find out more