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Job offer description

WCB Ice Cream is a worldwide supplier of equipment for the ice cream industry. We deliver production, process and handling machines for the ice cream business around the world.

Our automation group is specialized in engineering of automation Hardware and Software based on PLC, HMI and Motion control.

For an open position as Automation Engineer we are looking for a skilled PLC and HMI programmer. We will need a person with skills to program PLC systems, HMI systems and motion control. We are working with software and hardware customized to each project but complying with the latest international programming standards and the newest platforms from our hardware suppliers. An updated knowhow on PackML and isa88 standards is preferred.

We are working in close cooperation with our automation suppliers to develop and secure integrity of our products to the industry worldwide.

The position will require Software and hardware engineering, software test in-house and implementation onsite with our customers.

WCB Ice Cream is a project oriented company and all our projects are developed through our system in project groups. You will be a part of a modern working organization and will be introduced to our project structure, procedures and competences.

We are looking for a person who will thrive in a medium size organization where a variety of skills, jobs and tasks are your daily routine.

Travel activity to our customers and to our North American facility is expected to some extent.



Job details
Education field:
Work experience:
Salary range:
Not provided
Date of expiry:

About organisation

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