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Katowice - Kraków On-line Job Day 2016

Event date:
20 October 2016
Event type:
Registration status:

132 job(s) available for this event

Jobs recorded for this event: 212

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Offered by:

We are looking for a motivated for Construction Mechanic with or without a valid operator pass in TIG, MAG St.1-6 and / or MMA welding. Workplace will be Rudolstadt, also readiness for field installation nationwide necessary. 60-70% working on construction site. - construction of railings - staircase - hall constructions - welding *What we expect: - Completed vocational training - First relevant working experience - German – Level: B2 *What we offer: - good salary at least 9,50 – 11,00 € /h - permanent contract with social security contributions - full time job - support during your first ...

Language skills:
  • German
  • Good
Salary range:
Not provided

CONTACT DETAILS ZAV IPS Berlin-Brandenburg email: You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – we place our services at your disposal without charge! For the restaurant of a family-run hotel we are looking for a restaurant specialist (f/m), in Attendorn, NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the heart of ...

Language skills:
  • English
  • Good
  • German
  • Good
Salary range:
Not provided
Offered by:

You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – We place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for a SCRIPT DEVELOPER in Münster, NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the heart of Europe, with a strong economy and countless leisure time facilities. NRW is thrilling! The employer supplies high-performance and ...

Language skills:
  • English
  • Very good
  • German
  • Basic
Salary range:
Not provided

mit Mindestalter 18 Jahre, Saisonstelle ab Winterbeginn. Für den Schank- Buffetbereich, Küchenarbeiten, Speisenvorbereitung (Brote, Suppen...), Abwasch etc. Anforderungen: Praxis, gute Deutschkenntnisse. Geboten wird: Leistungsgerechte Bezahlung, freie Verpflegung sowie angenehmes Arbeitsklima. Arbeitszeit: zwischen 8h und 18h, Mitfahrgelegenheit zum Arbeitsplatz wird geboten (7h30 ab Spital/S.), Vollzeitbeschäftigung im Ausmaß von 40.00 Stunden pro Woche. Entlohnung: ab 1420.- EUR brutto pro Monat, Überstunden werden gesondert bezahlt. Quartier vorhanden. Arbeitsort: SPITAL AM SEMMERING ...

Salary range:
Not provided

For our hotel in the heart of the green Thuringia we are looking for a restaurant specialists in service who greet guests and make them feel comfortable, take bevarage and food orders, check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meal and take action to correct any problems. You will also have to collect the payments from customers. If you think this job will suit you good, please do not hestitate to send us your application! *What we expect: - Finished education in gastronomy (with in-service training) - First relevant working experience - German – Level: B2 *What we offer: - ...

Language skills:
  • German
  • Good
Salary range:
Not provided

CONTACT DETAILS ZAV IPS Berlin-Brandenburg email: You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – we place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for two receptionists for a 4-S-Star-Hotel in Bad Laasphe, NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the heart of Europe, with a strong economy ...

Language skills:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Very good
Salary range:
Not provided

CONTACT DETAILS ZAV IPS Berlin-Brandenburg email: You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – we place our services at your disposal without charge! We are looking for two receptionists for a 4-S-Star-Hotel in Bad Laasphe, NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the heart of Europe, with a strong economy ...

Language skills:
  • English
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Very good
Salary range:
Not provided

Das Arbeitsmarkservice(AMS) sucht für die FirmaRüscherl auf der Turracherhöhe für die kommende Wintersaison 1 Pizzakoch/-köchin ANFORDERUNGSPROFIL: Ausbildung oder einschlägige Berufspraxis erforderlich gute Deutschkenntnisse zur Verständigung notwendig Arbeitsort/Erreichbarkeit Turracherhöhe/Steiermark/Österreich Arbeitsbeginn ab ca. Mitte Dezember 2016 WIR BIETEN: Saisonbeschäftigung im Vollzeitausmaß, Arbeitszeit und freie Tage nach Absprache mit dem Dienstgeber. Die konkrete Entlohnung richtet sich je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung. Zimmer und Verpflegung wird zur Verfügung ...

Salary range:
Not provided

Das Arbeitsmarkservice sucht für die Firma Rüscherl auf der Turracherhöhe für die kommende Wintersaison 1 Kellner/in mit Inkasso. ANFORDERUNGSPROFIL: Ausbildung oder einschlägige Berufspraxis erforderlich gute Deutschkenntnisse zur Verständigung notwendig Arbeitsort/Erreichbarkeit Turracherhöhe/Steirmark/Österreich Arbeitsbeginn ab ca. Mitte Dezember 2016 WIR BIETEN: Saisonbeschäftigung im Vollzeitausmaß, Arbeitszeit und freie Tage nach Absprache mit dem Dienstgeber. Die konkrete Entlohnung richtet sich je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung. Zimmer und Verpflegung wird zur Verfügung ...

Salary range:
Not provided

CONTACT DETAILS ZAV IPS Berlin-Brandenburg email: You are highly qualified and would like to work in GERMANY? The International Placement Services (ZAV) are member of the European Employment Services network EURES – we place our services at your disposal without charge! For the restaurant of a family-run hotel we are looking for a cook in Odenthal-Altenberg, NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA North Rhine-Westphalia is a diversity state, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropolitan area in the heart of Europe, with a ...

Language skills:
  • English
  • Basic
  • German
  • Basic
Salary range:
Not provided