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General information

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is located in the heart of Western Europe between Belgium, Germany and France.

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a sovereign and independent state since the Treaty of London of 19 April 1839, is a parliamentary democracy within the framework of a constitutional monarchy.

Luxembourg owes its prosperity to the discovery of iron ore in the south of the country in the 1840s. This discovery gave its name to a whole region, Minett (from “minette”, the designation for iron ore in the Lorraine, France), and marked the transition from an agrarian to an industrial state.

Luxembourg’s financial centre is today the secondlargest investment fund centre in the world after the United States, the leading captive reinsurance market in the European Union, the leading centre for the cross-border provision of life insurance within the European Union and the leading centre for private banking for international clients within the euro area. Luxembourg is also the largest domicile for Islamic funds in Europe and the main European business centre for Chinese currency across several activities.

Luxembourg’s geographic location at the heart of the European markets and within reasonable distance of major European freight ports such as Antwerp and Rotterdam makes it an ideal gateway for logistics-related activity.

In recent years, the government has made substantial investment in research and innovation, establishing a whole series of direct and indirect instruments to promote this sector.


Where are the available jobs?

As of January 1, 2021 the largest employers (excluding public employment - state and city of Luxembourg) were in descending order: 1. The Post Luxembourg Group (4620employees), 2. The CFL group (Luxembourg railways: 4580), 3. The Cactus group (Trade: 4460), 4. The Dussmann Luxembourg group (Cleaning activities: 3980), 5. BGL BNP Paribas (Monetary intermediation 4050),) 6. The Mittal-Arcelor group (Iron and steel industry: 3660), 7. Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations SA, Manufacture of rubber products (3470), 8. (2840), 9. Pricewaterhousecoopers (2980), 10.  Luxair (2840)

By April 2021, partial unemployment applications had been filed for some 31 000 persons (full-time equivalents). This accounts for 7.0% of employees, a little down on previous months (7.6% in February and March). Most of the employees affected were in hospitality (39%), manufacturing (21%), retail (16%), business services (10%) and transport (7%). Note that persons in partial unemployment remain “employed” and are therefore counted as employees, not job seekers. Unemployment as such fell to 6.1% of the working population in March 2021, after stagnating at 6.3% since September 2020. Part of this drop comes from the strengthening of the job schemes, which have taken on many more job seekers since the start of the year (particularly in training courses). As such, these people are not counted as unemployed and remain available for work. New job seeker registrations however remain low, at least compared to 2019. The trend also remains downward taking into account people in job schemes.

STATEC Conjoncture flash April 2021





Text last edited on: 05/2022


Where are the available workers?

Employment remains very dynamic in Luxembourg, with growth of just under 1% over one quarter in Q3 2021. All sectors contributed to this positive development. The hotel and catering industry, which was still suffering from restrictions at the beginning of the year, recorded an increase in the third quarter (+3.5% over one quarter, according to preliminary data, after three quarters of continuous decline), and is even experiencing a certain labour shortage. In September 2021, this sector remains, with 670 fewer employees than in January 2020, however, the poor child of this crisis. This is closely followed by manufacturing (-650 people). In all other sectors, employment has returned to its pre-crisis level, and in many cases has even exceeded it.

In the first three quarters of 2021, business services contributed most to employment growth followed by human health and social work, the financial sector, construction and public administration.

STATEC economic outlook (note de conjuncture) (Source: Statec NDC02 – December 2021 pp 39-46 )


Labor market information about Luxembourg is available on the following websites:


The powerful career platform for talents and Luxembourg employers:


Statistics portal:

ADEM, Public service and employment website : 


Private job-vacancy websites:;;;;;


Some trustees (eg BDO, etc.) recruiting on behalf of their clients also publish offers.


Websites of associations representing various economic sectors and publishing the contact details of their member companies (see spontaneous applications):


Hotels and restaurants / « HORESCA » :

 (Job offers available on the site).


Finance – The Luxembourg Bankers’ Association «ABBL»:


Crafts and manual trades « Fédération des artisans » :


Industry and business services « FEDIL Business Federation Luxembourg »:


Wholesale and retail trade and transport « CLC »:


Temporary work  « Fedil Employment Services, established in 1994 as ‘Union Luxembourgeoise des Entreprises de Travail Intérimaire’ (Luxembourg Association of Temporary Employment Agencies, ULEDI), is the umbrella organisation for temporary employment agencies based in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg» :

Text last edited on: 05/2022

Short overview of the labour market

Luxembourg had 634.700 inhabitants on January 1, 2021, including 299.400 foreigners. Among the latter, the most numerous are the Portuguese (94.300), the French (48.500), the Italians (23.500) and the Belgians (19.600) and Germans 12.800. There are 55.300 foreign nationals from non-EU countries in Luxembourg.


As of December 31, 2021, the employment situation was as follows:

  • Total domestic employment: 494134 including 216118 cross-border workers;
  • Employees in the private sector: 430534 including 208363 cross-border workers;
  • Civil servants: 34837 including 2.093 cross-border workers;
  • Self-employed: 28763 , including 5.662 cross-border workers.


The growth rate of total employment is 3.1 % over the past 12 months. For cross-border employment, it rises to 3.8 % (Source: IGSS / CCSS employment dashboard 14 february 2022).


As of March 31, 2022, the unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) was up to 4.7 %   For values similar to this rate, one must go back to the end of 2008 - beginning of 2009..

The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM was 14576 on 31 March 2022, i.e. . Compared to March 2021, this is a decrease of 4,113 people or 22%

The number of jobseekers has fallen for all categories of jobseekers, including those who have been registered for more than 12 months. Nevertheless, the long-term unemployed still represent 48.7% of all available jobseekers.

The number of new registrations with ADEM remains relatively low. Indeed, 2,394 residents registered with ADEM in March 2022, an increase of 99 persons or 4.3% compared to March 2021.

An updated list of the main employers is available on the website of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Luxembourg (STATEC):


Employment conditions are attractive, and companies can therefore demand relatively high qualification levels.


Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy

List of main employers

Publications from the statistics portal


Text last edited on: 05/2022

Hot jobs

Boost your career in Luxembourg

Kick-start your career on, the powerful career platform for talents and Luxembourg employers.

By registering on the platform you can create a profile and upload your CV that will be visible to employers, legally established in Luxembourg. You also have the possibility to participate in online job fairs that are regularly organised on this platform. Please be aware that we only accept applications from candidates who match the job categories mentioned in the registration form. Registration is free and can change your life!

In 2022 the Top10 of jobs declared at the national PES:

1).  IT (developer,engineering, etc.)

2).  Accountants

3).  Catering servies

4). Kitchen aid

5).  Accounting and financial audit and control

6).  Credit analysis and banking risks

7).  Concrete building

8).  Secretaries

9). Consulting and project management in information systems

10). Warehousing and order picking


EURES Member information
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Event participation(s)

22 October 2024
30 years of moving abroad with EURES
Participating: Online